Monday, February 21, 2011

Hock It

(Title name is inspired by a The Blow song title)
So while I'm suffering from cabin fever (tha's the correct term for being in the house all the time and nowhere to go right??)
I though I might as well post a little postie
Surgery went well! Can't really call it surgery as they only dilated my bladder buuut the news now is is that the urologist is referring me to UCSF (since they're top of the line) so we'll see what happens there. I don't really have any news/details with that so I'll keep you posted after I know more. However I must say, despite continual frustrations with the medical community I am extremely grateful that after working through the system (or rather it working me and me patiently running it's course.....) I can be referred to UCSF with county paying (I believe...) and not have to pay. I'm so so grateful I can go through county and not have to pay a dime and do (eventually) get what I need. I do think our taxes pay for this (don't they? for county hospital? and why am I always using parentheses in my posts? apparently I really like them. hope that's ok for you!)
So what I was trying to say is I'm thankful oh so much and I will gladly pay taxes for that
In Other News:
I've been daydreaming quite a bit lately. It seems a bit more so than usual. I mean more about like what I'm gonna do to generate some sort of income. Granted I think babysitting/nannying will always be my core but I have this desire to do everything. and random different little things. Like sell my pictures. Own a dutch bakery in SF. Learn to quilt and possibly sell them. Do something with chocolate.
All these crazy odd random delightful things. I know one thing for sure, I was born to be unconventional. I don't think I'll ever really have a 9-5 job. And I like that. But if only I knew how to do the rest.
We'll see what happens.
One thing I will say I'm gonna start with selling my pictures (ok side note, I almost always end up typing me for my, I like the whole irish "me lad" way of typing but now it's just a weird habit)
So I'm venturing on this whole selling pictures that I take. I'll be trying it through etsy so I don't really know of any other venue.
I haven't really started anything yet, just looking around and looking/taking pictures. I've found a place I'm gonna try to print my pics and we'll go from there!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random wonderings

I just felt the need to write a post even though I have no specific topic in mind. Hope you don't mind! I've been pondering what on earth I'm gonna do as a career! I mean I had always planned on choreography/dancing and since the bladder issues that went down the toilet. I mean there is still a very slight possibility but I just put that idea away, didn't wanna waste time hoping and wishing for something that just most likely won't happen. I'm content to just be a housewife buuut I need a husband for that and I don't even have a boyfriend yet. Now that could just all change within a year but you know, who knows?? I love the whole etsy idea, it seems a bit more me, more independent and creative but the problem is I don't have anything marketable. I like photography but don't know too much, though that's just an excuse honestly. I'd love to sell quilts and blankets but don't how to yet. I haven't found any learning sources. I did have a vague idea of taking bible verses and writing them up to be pretty word art basically and maybe even framing it. I do always have the old standby of babysitting/nannying so that's nice. I'm just curious to see where this road of life is gonna take me. It's thrown some loops that's for sure. I honestly do not wanna go to college. I have no real reason to, and for some reason I feel I'm to "make it" in the world in an unusual way, by unconventional dare I say uneducated way. Nothing against education, it propels people forward. I just don't feel like it's for me.
So some updates on me; I have a bladder surgery coming up next week. Relieved, nervous, and oddly excited haha. We'll see what happens this time around.....