Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random wonderings

I just felt the need to write a post even though I have no specific topic in mind. Hope you don't mind! I've been pondering what on earth I'm gonna do as a career! I mean I had always planned on choreography/dancing and since the bladder issues that went down the toilet. I mean there is still a very slight possibility but I just put that idea away, didn't wanna waste time hoping and wishing for something that just most likely won't happen. I'm content to just be a housewife buuut I need a husband for that and I don't even have a boyfriend yet. Now that could just all change within a year but you know, who knows?? I love the whole etsy idea, it seems a bit more me, more independent and creative but the problem is I don't have anything marketable. I like photography but don't know too much, though that's just an excuse honestly. I'd love to sell quilts and blankets but don't how to yet. I haven't found any learning sources. I did have a vague idea of taking bible verses and writing them up to be pretty word art basically and maybe even framing it. I do always have the old standby of babysitting/nannying so that's nice. I'm just curious to see where this road of life is gonna take me. It's thrown some loops that's for sure. I honestly do not wanna go to college. I have no real reason to, and for some reason I feel I'm to "make it" in the world in an unusual way, by unconventional dare I say uneducated way. Nothing against education, it propels people forward. I just don't feel like it's for me.
So some updates on me; I have a bladder surgery coming up next week. Relieved, nervous, and oddly excited haha. We'll see what happens this time around.....

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