Saturday, January 22, 2011

Places I've been recently

Thought I'd share on my blog here some fun stuff I've seen this week.
First up is women on the way festival show I went to.
website here:
I saw Alyce Finwall Dance Theater (
and Project Thrust. (
These 2 are some of my fav local dance companies and good friends of mine
Alyce Finwall I actually danced with for a short season before my health issues popped up and she is an amazing choreographer. Her pieces are raw, real, touching, emotional and physical. She's also the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She presented Evenfall at this festival and it was intriguing. The way it resonated with me was it felt like it was piece about women and how they relate to others. A lot of times it seems women are close friends and they try to be vulnerable with each other but then they get knocked down by the other. It felt like there was this almost fluidity and constant pressure. Women seem to be be anatgonaizers to other women. It's actually sort of a complex piece! but very beautiful
Project Thrust I reviewed on this blog a few posts back (the melons jugs post) and they're still a delight. They both are an absolute MUST SEE. Well worth your time and money (only 20 bucks!)
Then I saw my friend's band Super Adventure Club at Cafe Du Nord. If you know me at all you know what an absolute fan of them I am! (you're probably saying to yourself, well you can't be too much of a fan if you're just NOW mentioning them on the blog!) but rest assured I am a huge fan and probably one of their most loyal. Even the guys in the band will tell you that haha
Super Adventure Club truly lives up to its name. You never know what's gonna happen when they play! It's a band you can't describe, you just must experience! (website here:
If you like dancing, catchy good music, and hilarious ridiculous lyrics this band is for you. Look them up on youtube too (superadventureclubsf)
Cafe Du Nord in San Francisco is a wonderful club. Now you might be thinking, dude it's a club, what's so great about it?
Au contraire, this club defies other club experiences and it worth the extra cover pay (
Despite being rather close to the heart of the castro district it is not a gay club. It's a fantastic clean well run mixed club. Great stage, plenty of dancing room, great bar, free water, clean bathrooms with more than one stall, this club truly has it all.
Now you may be saying but wait, aren't you a christian girl? Are you even allowed to go to a club/bar? Aren't you just being a hypocrite?
Now I'm gonna share my persona conviction with you, however this is my own personal thing. If you feel that being a christian that you shouldn't go to a bar/club, then don't! That's your own personal conviction. (this is a bigger subject than can be truly discussed here but the book of Romans in the bible has a great chapter about personal convictions)
My thing is, I'm ok with going to a bar/club. I believe since my intentions are right, which is just to go out with friends, have a good time, maybe dance (but not like a hoochie) and listen to music that it's not an issue. I don't go to sketchy bars, I'm not going to strip clubs, I'm not dancing up on every guy in there, I'm not drinking or fighting. I always try to go with a friend, especially if it's a place I've never been too. To see if a bar/club is appropriate I suggest googling it or yelping it to get a feel on what the place is like. I've only ever seen one fight happen and it was taken care of in 5mins flat. Sure there's been some creepy guys trying to hit on me but they were truly harmless and I knew I was safe if something should happen because the place was respectable. And dancing, why not dance? Dance is a celebration of life! I'm not dancing to get everybody's attention, I'm dancing because I'm having a good time.
So those are my personal convictions about going to a club. Now some people do have issues with bars/clubs and they shouldn't be in that environment so don't bring them with you! and don't flaunt it to them that you're going.
So I highly recommend cafe du nord if you're interested in going out for a good clean fun time. No creeps, great people, nice clean place and plenty of room to dance (unless the place is packed)

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