Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just sit down!

Ok ok, I knew I had a topic I wanted to talk about and it escaped me til now....theater etiquette!
Now granted I know that that many people aren't really gonna read this so it's really a subtle "rant" on how people annoy me in the theater.
Movie theaters....I don't give a crap. even I have no manners there (ok well I do...but I don't care if I do or not)
Hypocritical? Possibly. But that would involve a discussion on my thoughts of movies.
I mean a proper theatre, one that I feel should be spelled re not er.
I went to an annual performance of the San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker and about 2 minutes into the show, people dancing on stage and everything, comes a family, with noo idea where they're sitting! Ok I get that finding a seat in the dark is disorienting, I understand things happen and you're late to a show. but pleeeeeease don't stand there discussing where to sit. find an empty seat right away, regardless if they're together or not. THENN comes another lady even later who comes to a full row, demands that they're sitting in her row and they get up and move to another empty row. Then the lady says to the remaining people that they're in her seat! LADY JUST SIT DOWN! which I actually managed to say in a firm but polite voice. which she did after me repeating that firmly 3 times, especially since she's blantantly obstructing my friend and mine view. and PLEASE turn off your phone! I know you wanna know what time it is and when it's gonna end but please dont take out your phone which is gonna shine like lightning in a darkened theater to see the time. Now I get distracted and pissed. And whatever you do, DON'T take a flash picture. Sure I'm all for taking pictures (though majority of professional theatres object it and may confiscate your camera) but you are not only blinding and distracting me, you are seriously blinding and distracting the dancers.
So, summary;
Leave early to be at the show early, even if that means leaving 30mins earlier, DO IT! I mean in regards more to a high show, like San Francisco Ballet, or something. I paid good money to be there, I know you did too, let's be gentle and respectful and make this enjoyable for everybody.
Dress appropriately. No you don't hafta dress like you're at the oscars, just look nice! Please no ugg boots!
Go to the bathroom before the show! and give yourself 5mins to find your seat and chat and look around the theatre.
please don't bring kids to a 2hr show. That's just mean. I know you're delusional. Only bring a kid above the age of 8 at the absolute lowest minimum, we all know 3yr olds can't even focus on a half hour tv show, why should they focus on a ballet? I know you wanna enrich your kid or provide memories, they won't be enriched or have memories before the age of 8 of the ballet. plus it'll be easier on you, trust me.
Keep your cell phone in your pocket/purse and wait til intermission to look at it.
Thank you and enjoy the show

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