Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thrifty and thriving!

Ok I admit maybe the title isn't that great but it's what popped in my mind and I like to be spur of the moment in writing usually.
As if nobody's talking about that nowadays.
I picked up a pretty nifty book called Be Thrifty. Pretty amazing book actually and I haven't even finished the first chapter!
We all wanna use less and be more resourceful and green for cheaper. This book doesn't just tell you how to do that. It's taking a look back in time at how people in the olden days (who really should be our heroes) did it and how to bring that thriving thriftiness into today's world. It even tells you how to haggle! I was delighted to read that because I've gone to some fairs and the like where I saw cool stuff but uh I ain't paying that price just cuz you handmade it. Now I got tips to haggle without going out of my comfort zone. It tells you of unknown millionaires because they were resourceful and saved up money they ended up be able to donate millions! and they weren't these fancy computer workers! they just used their brains and talents and friendliness to get what they needed/wanted.
The biggest thing about this book is that it's tangible. It's possible to live and be comfortable in today's society while being thrifty. Use resources! Find out what bazillion things white vinegar and baking soda can do. Do use bartering services; where if you've got a friend who can fix your pipes and you can paint then exchange your services! You paint his house and he fixes your pipes! It is ok and even acceptable to ask about prices, it's so true, you never know until you ask. Now you gotta be careful, you don't demand or deserve ANYTHING, which unfortunately most people think they do. You just simply ask. Be willing to accept the answer no. But the great thing about that is if you were friendly, you may have made a friend in that field! Ooooo that's known as networking which we all know is the 2nd biggest thing to move us forward in life
I wish I could tell you everything in this book but I can't, plus I haven't even finished it haha. So I HIGHLY recommend picking it up, it is only $15. Also use your brain! Don't buy cheap. Don't buy chemicals. When you can, make it yourself! Learn simple skills to save money (and make you smarter and feel better about yourself which we all love feeling)
Next to the Bible, this book has majorly changed my life ;) (Remember, the bible is more important though!)

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