Saturday, November 13, 2010

Art imitates life

Here lately I've been discovering how true that phrase really is!
I'm not sure how to begin to explain it to you but I'm gonna try...hopefully you'll get it =)
I was reading a book and it was talking about how we truly do need beauty in this world. And take a look around at is almost always a reflection of something in the world such as the human body (usually the female's...there's kind of a surprising reason to that) or nature, the colors of this world and so forth.
We need beauty to inspire us, to sustain us, in a sense I believe to escape whatever it is that's bogging us down momentarily. I mean what do most people do when they need a break? They go take a walk, go to a park or a beach or take a vacation in a really beautiful location because it does nourish us and revive us.
So upon reading this I tried to regain my sense of wonder of the world. I (usually) walk my dog every day so I began with that. What I discovered was something beautiful and honestly, shockingly simple.
There are literally hundreds of different trees in my neighborhood! Now are they all gorgeous? Not necessarily. But what creates the beauty and awe in me is the variety! One house could have 3 different kinds of trees. It's kind of crazy to be inspired by this but I truly was! Each kind is so different and unique!
Another thing I've been noticing is the sky. Holy cow! Every day it's vastly different and beyond beautiful. Here lately in the last month and a half each day the clouds have been stunning. Like literal intricate art work. God must've been doing an exhibit on clouds because they were so beautiful and intricate and astounding! It seemed more so then usual! and I loved it.
So in all this, it answered my question of why art exists. Because honestly, we all ask that question. Especially if you're an artist of some sort. I really struggled with this as a dancer because I knew I connected with this artform and seeing art in museums but I never quite got my answer. Until now. So no, art is not some fruitless frivolity. It serves to nourish us. (Granted we do need to stay in the real world...) But now I no longer feel guilty about my time spent as a dancer and enjoying art. For it is a reflection of life, a reflection more importantly of God, for He IS the ultimate artist! I mean He created us and this world, He gave us artistic ability (some more than others haha) He knew what He doing!

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