Thursday, October 14, 2010

Everybody hurts

For some reason I felt prompted to write a bit about pain and experiencing it.
I think we need to learn to not be so afraid of it.
But frankly the ONLY possible true way to really get through it and actually survive is God.
Jesus, God with a big G, not some mystical force.
God knows I've gone through some serious pain and it's funny how different things hit us differently. For instance losing my mom wasn't all that hard compared to the emotional pain and trauma I dealt with when I had my bladder surgeries. Why? I have no idea. I'm not saying my mom's death didn't hurt but maybe either because I suppressed it so deeply at the time and the grief came in stages or I may not even be fully done with the process but my bladder surgeries sent me for a serious tailspin that I can say I've finally "seen the light of day" on it.
But on the other hand I think we need to be reminded of pain and serious tragedies. Words will never be enough to capture it and I think we need to see true horror once in awhile to remember the goodness of life, the strange necessity of pain that draws us closer to God.
I've had 2 recent experiences with that; just finished watching The Pianist the other day and the godforsaken tragedies that happened I couldn't comprehend til I watched the movie. Of course I knew the holocaust was horrible and all that but I had never seen it before with my own eyes, words cannot and will never do justice to the horror.
Another one was the Passion of the Christ. Now I haven't seen the whole thing yet but the clip of the crucifiction of Christ stunned me beyond words. He went through that unspeakable pain without a word? without rebuttal? I mean I can't even explain it here!
I know I'm kind of jumping all over the plate with this but we need to face up to our pain. To more importantly give them up to God. Truly. I was reading this amazing book and it described perfectly that pang of guilt you feel when you've forgotten to do something very important but you didn't wanna own up to it but you KNOW it needs/needed to be done.
Thank GOD He gently reminds us and then it's our choice to deal with past and present pain. I'm learning that there's a reason you felt that pang in that moment, something awakened you to the pain and unmet desire. Not so we can go crap man, that hurts; well I'll take care of it later. No, God's asking you to deal with it now, to say hey this hurts, help me to deal with this.
 I could basically write a whole book on what God's been teaching me and speaking to me about, it makes my heart burst in a good way.
If you don't truly know God, He's waiting to know you, to take your pain. He knows your pain feels unremoveable. It IS unremoveable until you let Him deal with it. He's not going to force His way, but he hates watching you hurt, just like we hate watching our loved ones hurt but we can't do anything until they ask us. Here's the crazy thing, He's using that pain in hopes that you'll come to Him asking for help so
He can provide real healing. Is He giving you that pain? No, but He's allowing it, just like some daddies do so that the kid will ask next time for help, for strength that they don't have
And the book I mentioned? It's called Walking with God by John Eldredge.
I recommend it so so much. It changed my life and I've grown up in church! I believe it'll change your life whether you've been a christian forever or just starting at or wherever you are in relation with God.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

hi kaitie! thank you for your sweet comment-- i so appreciate it and so here i am to tell you so.

i am so with you- watching the pianist (or any other holocaust centered movie) as well as the passion has me absolutely dumbfounded and depressed! how those atrocities happened in this world, i'll never know. sometimes they make faith hard for me, but i still believe in our big God and that he someone has the answers to this!

have a great day.