Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mean Green Clean

Ok so I got that thrifty book (I seem to always mess up spelling thrifty even though I do know how it's spelled....) and it gave me some tips on green (and cheap) cleaning materials. So I gave it a whirl!
The book praised the work of baking soda, white vinegar, and the microfiber mop.
So I went to my local target and stocked up!
I'll start with the microfiber mop since this is something you're probably going huh??
according to the book the microfiber mop is basically revolutionary haha. It's more enviromentally friendly and actually easier, only needing water and then when you're done you wash it! and it's good for like at least 100 washes.
So I found a cheap and simple one for $10 (That was fun, dragging around a mop at target while looking at other stuff, people generally stayed out of my way haha)
Most others came with some weird attachment (apparently americans love attachments and doodads. I'm american but I don't!) that like squirts cleaner into the mop area. The one I got is just simple.
So I put water on it and mopped away! Quite amazing actually; it picked up all those little dirt thingies that never make it on the dustpan, and it rubbed out spots in seconds. My only complaint is with the wet mop head it created some friction that made it hard to rub over the floor but it did do it and it did clean. I would recommend putting a little soap or something with the water so the floor is cleaner but water does work.
Now onto my bathroom cleaning session. Oy Vey!
Apparently (which they fail to tell you) baking soda is a good cleaner but noooot a disinfectant. So I had too much baking soda since I haven't converted it to laundry use or anything. And whoever said making baking soda and liquid (be it water or whatever) and putting it in a spray bottle is stupid! It clogged up my spray bottle! so despite what google says, they're wrong!
Moving on
So I google what's a good natural disinfectant. Apparently the general answer was borax. So off to the store I go for borax (which is a good laundry detergent too, it's actually used more for laundry purposes)
So I cleaned my floors with white vinegar and water (white vinegar is the MASTER cleaner, it cuts through weird grease that not even other chemicals can) and the smell does go away as soon as it dries so don't worry about smelling like vinegar. Then I sprinkled some borax onto a dap sponge and wiped stuff down then rinsed it off and wiped away the borax for a nice clean. It was off honestly cleaning this way because I'm used to usuing clorox wipes so I see and smell the cleaning and this time with the borax it wasn't as obviously evident. But it does work! The counter and sink was clean smooth and sparkling. And the toilet was nice and clean (and white!)
So summary (I know it's been kind of a long post with tons of parentheses) baking soda is a good general cleaner (I think for more kitchen stuff, I haven't really used it yet)
White vinegar is the master cleaner and cuts through grease and grime and it's easier because you can use it in a spray bottle.
Borax is a disinfectant cleaner that works great and has no smell.
Microfiber mop really works.
And don't put grainy stuff in spray bottles (baking soda, borax, etc)

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