Monday, January 23, 2012

I just got inspired

Hey all!
No I haven't forgotten you, just haven't pushed myself to write anything though I do actually have stuff to write about. But tonight, just now something hit me that just NEEDED to be written out. Perhaps it will give me clarity. Or perhaps it's just the first step.
Such an artiste word.
I like it.
But I must admit, it utterly beguiles and confounds me.
Leaves me dumbfounded actually.
It eludes me.
I have never pinned it down and that was always a source of confusion and frustration for me. But I deeply admire other's inspirations and can delight in them. They usually start a creative itch in me. But then I end up frustrated for I wish to create, to draw upon inspiration and then I feel like I'm trying to kiss the wind. (no clue where that phrase came from, just go with it)
Right now I have an itch to make an amazing dance short film, similar to what YAKfilms has done. They inspire me.
But I don't know HOW or WHY.
So what is it?
What do I do??
I have no clue.
Will I ever solve it?
Or is it much like that moment in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where I must just take a step and the bridge will appear and solidify and the path is clear?

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