Thursday, August 12, 2010

Holy stuff Batman!

Does anybody even know the old batman references anymore?? (Old-school Adam West!)
Anyways I just wanted to vent/share idea/blabber for a minute about stuff.
Stuff. Crap. Things.
It just hit me how inudated with STUFF our society really is. I mean I know I've got crap from years and years ago!
It's weird cuz some of it is kinda sentimental value or I just find it to be unique/cool and to my personal liking.
It's funny though cuz I do catch myself being consumed with wanting more, especially in this resurgance of the DIY trend. While I'm not a big DIY'er I do love looking around online and seeing this cute whimiscal stuff on etsy that makes me want more stuff
I honestly don't really have too much of a point, just thought I'd point it out.
I do think it's important though to do a "spring cleaning" every so often and truly evaluate what stuff you got and get rid of it! It's honestly a good cleansing feeling.
After thinking about how much crap I got, I had an idea of what to do with the unnecessary/unwanted stuff.
Now don't get me wrong, I think etsy is awesome an all but I don't feel like taking the effort of signing up and posting pics and description and shipping it and the whole thing.
My idea was, get your friends/aquantinces/people you know/neighborhood/whoever/whatever together and do a swap meet!
Just clean up your stuff, put it on a table and have people take what they want! And you go to the other tables and take what you want! (Ok maybe not if your ultimate goal is to get rid of stuff, but maybe somebody will have something you need)
I like this, it could be a cool neighborhood/friends event where you pick a backyard or house or whatever location, set up tables and chairs, put your stuff out and swap!
Then when you're done, maybe have a potluck to continue the theme of swapping or have a BBQ or what have you and sit together hang out and eat!
This is gonna be a goal of mine, to actually do this and see what the results are.
Any ideas or thoughts or feedback?

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