Monday, March 21, 2011

Dance Anywhere

I just recently participated in a worldwide event called dance anywhere and I wanted to share my experience/thoughts on it
First off you can get an idea of what it is by going here:
Basically the idea is, on a chosen day/date people around the world would stop and dance at noon (noon here, so noon equivalents elsewhere) to celebrate dance and to bring a bit of dance into our lives.
The concept is a bit vague I realize. What actually never hit me before was that this is actually happening worldwide, we are dancing together at the same time. At this idea was brought up by a lady by the name of Beth Fein. Interesting that a simple idea can reach worldwide. It never ceases to blow my mind
I like it for dancing is good, sometimes we do need to be told to dance. There's actually been times where I felt discouraged and down in the dumps and I just danced it off. It was silly jiggles and shimmies and hops while trying to be quiet (it was 11pm and I was doing it in teh confines of my messy room while the rest of the house was sleeping) but it completely liberated me.
God did ordain and create dance. We actually do need to dance. It liberates us. It makes us let go. It makes us celebrate.
So that's why I have participated in dance anywhere.
Last year I danced at the berkeley art museum out on the grass on a beautiful spring day and it was I think a couple weeks after my surgery. I was nervous because my last memory connected to dance is a bad one for after a dance class I came home and ended up in the ER (I know it had nothing to do with dancing but you know how memories get strangely attached to things) and I was wearing a diaper (hello depends!) and and and....I was just so darn nervous
I ended up dancing for a half hour easily. It was beautiful. It was wonderful. It was creative. It was liberating. It was a time to escape and just focus on what I was doing. I noticed the green grass and the blue sky and the sun. I involved all of those aspects (not to be all hippie....but I WAS in berkeley you know haha) I apprecaited the beauty of it.
This year I danced in the ferry building. It was a rainy cold day. I was a bit nervous this time because I hadn't danced at all in over a year (since the last dance anywhere....) and I know the ferry building always has people in it.
But I enjoyed it. Honestly not as much as last time just because I felt like I was kinda just moving my arms and doing some random movements. But it did feel good.
And this year I got some pretty pictures of my dancing from it!! yaaaaaaay haha
So maybe make it a daily or even a weekly thing. At noon (or whatever time) just stop for a minute (most likely will end up being 5....) and dance. Nobody has to know. it can be utterly ridiculous (because that's the most fun!) But you might just need it....
here's a pic of moi dancing:
(I'm the one in the back)
Photo credit: David DeSilva

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this sounds like a such a cool project!! i'm glad you did it! if i woulda known i'd dance in my office ;)