Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You're like almost an Amish person

I kid you not, that was actually said to me on a date last night.
Ok so I'm gonna blog about this date (thanks Corinne!)
A) because I rarely go on dates
B) because I wanna share my experience
C) to perhaps help some of the guys (ok I know they're not reading this but its a nice thought to round this out) with some tips of how to be. because whether you like it or not, ITS THE SMALL STUFF THAT MAKES A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE (yes all that needed to be in caps. bear with me here)
So, I went swing dancing tuesday night with some close friends of mine (to my experience swing dancing refer back a few posts to stompy jones) I actually made it to the lesson on time which added to the experience a bit, made me feel a tad more prepared. And God bless those guys who actually show up for a lesson. Serious kudos to you.
People watching is soo much fun! ok ok moving on
So as always some random guys had asked me to dance and we had fun (men, please note that saying to a partner you danced with is a beginner is kinda mean. I know I'm a beginner and I know you're not. So thanks captain obvious; are you trying to deter me? move along)
I must say the highlight was dancing with a lesbian for it was so far unusual to me but highly fun and unique and very non-sexual (and her hands felt like mine. that sensation can only be described as ubiquitous.)
so this guy asks me to dance and he's obviously been dancing for quite a while but he asks if I've done other forms of dancing. I say yes, I used to be a ballet dancer. He says ahhh I can tell! You turn with your arms in high fifth and your arms are so balletic (upon watching myself in a video attempting to rave dance, I have concluded I have very balletic arms. which is rather personally amusing for I was always told my port de bras was one of my weaker points)
so we dance a few songs. Honestly he was a bit odd, gave off a gay vibe (hello will truman from will & grace) and he was deeply obssesed with the music but then he paid attention to me. rather disconcerting.
We chat a bit. Now men, asking questions is to be expected but pleease once you hit on some tragic subject (like the reason I don't dance anymore) please stop harping on it. I really don't feel like discussing my deep personal trauma with you. I just met you. I like your concern but once again move along.
We exchange numbers (his phone background wallpaper was a picture of himself lmao) he says lets hang out sometime, I'll call you. I oblige
He calls me the next morning! So we schedule a date for that evening.
I was running late from work so I shoot him a text (oh a quick note, the guy hated texting. not bueno for me a textaholic. but I as I told him later, he had a loud voice and enunciated well so I didn't mind talking to him on the phone. but he did sweetly deal with my texting)
I shoot him a text saying I'll be there late. He says good.
I show up. I'm exhausted and don't really feel like putting on my dating charms. But I'm a trooper.
He's not there. So I wait about 5 mins. No call no text. So I order my food to go. Thennn he calls me! (15mins later...) says he's running late and he'll be there in 15. So I get my food and wait for the guy. He shows up and gets a beer and fries and explains how his dogs got diarrhea and he had to clean that up. He vents about that a bit. Not a problem. He many times offered his fries, I decline. He asks more probing questions (minus points there) and I attempt to find out more about him (I did get soome info but man that guy knew waay more about me) we go for a walk a bit and as every first date of mine (except for one) we get on the topic of religion (since my beliefs are the very core of who I am, its my identity)
OH  by the way; if you suggest we go for a walk please wait for the gal to pick up her purse instead of walking out the door and waiting, its rude (which he did)
The amish comment came up because I had said I haven't had sex since I don't believe in sex before marriage. So we had an interesting discussion of things relating to that. He's a bit of an odd bird though, in the middle of us talking he'd start humming and completely forget what we were talking about or say that restaurant is really good. Uh ok....?
Then he walks me back to my car and we tie up the discussion, we hug and say bye.
I text him today and say I had fun. He responds saying I'm glad you did, I did too but I don't think we're a match. I say I agree but unless you believe guys and girls can't be friends there's no reason we can't ever talk again (I like having friends with different viewpoints once in awhile, it shakes thing up)
He says sorry
The End

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