Friday, May 18, 2012

Suddenly Everything Has Changed

Well it's not really that suddenly. But what has suddenly changed is the pace of life. I went from leisure days of honestly not being sure how to best fill my time to trying to keep on top of everything. I went from working a few days a week to potentially working all the time. I'm even planning on moving out soon!
Honestly though I'm excited. I'm tired for sure but I'm happy. For 2 years I just didn't know what to do, to just keep walking forward and trusting and growing in God.
Then I meet with a couple different people and next thing I know I'm being offered an internship, I'm dressing in bistro attire, I'm asked to help with weddings and I'm figuring out when to move.
I praise God.
He has brought me through so much and He has opened all these doors. He knew my frustrations and soothed me.
Now here I am, at a church I love deeply and am excited about every day, I'm meeting all these new different people which I love and getting chances to be a part of their world. I'm becoming a stronger christian and growing daily.
It's definitely scary to leave things behind. It's sad to see things I've known for years or even my whole lifetime shift dramatically within months. But God will never ever change and that's all that matters.
I had my first catering serving gig yesterday and it was fun! Definitely learned a lot and it was the perfect intro to that world. I was a bit worried since I had no formal experience but since it was just me and the owner I knew it would be ok.
It's interesting how things that are considered art to the outside world was treated and done just so matter of factly. From the folding of the napkins to the placing of tiny chopped strawberries on top of  a sorbet. It looks so delicate and artistic and it was actually amusing how it was done with just bluntness. Especially how I come from the dancing world where everything is considered and re-worked down to the last fingertip and it has such meaning and weight.
Some more changes are a-coming so I'll be writing here a bit more often so you guys can have a glimpse!

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