Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In the land flowing with milk and honey

Well, more like fruits and vegetables.
Lo and behold - the farmer's market! (gotta love old timey expressions, my grandma still uses lo and behold haha)
I thought I'd take the time to go to the famous ferry building farmer's market in SF that happens 3 times a week: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. the website is here: http://www.ferrybuildingmarketplace.com/farmers_market.php
There are also several smaller farmer's market in different SF locations which I found at this website:
hopefully that link works for you. if not maybe go to sfweekly.com and search for seasonal farmer's market. The ferry building and the civic center ones are the only ones that are yearround.
I went and had a great time! I got totally dazzled by all the options, there's something just exciting about an abundance of good food for you.
The trip was quite successful and I'll show you a pic of my purchases:

I got some regular peaches, white peaches (You'd be surprised how many varieties of peaches there are!) some nectarines, arugula, some type of beans, some bell peppers and some argentinean squash that is supposed to be like cucumber but sweeter.
Next time I go I will try to compare quality and prices because there's a lot of vendors selling similar foods but I just got swept into the whole thing. I paid around $25 for all these (I didn't lay allll the produce out, just enough to show what variety I got) so it's not bad.
Good wholesome food is really healthy for you. Yeah yeah everybody says that though. To me, a basic rule of thumb is if it doesn't grow naturally, it's probably not that good for you (yes that includes bread and the like, you actually need smaller portions of carbs like those and higher portions of veggies.)
However I don't condone that excuse for weed so leave me be with that.
My doctor told me the best way to eat healthy is half of your plate should be veggies (mainly at dinner but try for lunch too!) and then small portions of carbs and proteins. Also get a lot of different kinds of veggies and colors (eat the rainbow!) for more nutrition and definitely those leafy greens.
Fruits should be more with breakfast and as dessert and snacks. (I love fruit!)
My next goal is trying to find out about (relatively) easy healthy breakfasts because I'll admit, I'm a die-hard cereal eater. Yes I do eat whole-grain cereal but it's still not my best option, so more on that in another post.
I hope this post was informative (possibly fun?) for you and not too much to read! I just had a lot to say on this topic.
I highly support you going to your local (or next local because maybe your town doesn't have a good one) farmer's market and buying from there. The products should be amazing and colorful and you're really helping farmers out. And all in all, it's better for you too!


Anonymous said...

I've gotten really into oatmeal lately! Not the flavored instant kind. The old fashioned oats, topped with banana or granola or something yummy :) Not as sugary and processed as some cereals.

Kaitie said...

ooo nice, yeah oatmeal is definitely healthier than most cereals. I wanna see if there's other options too =)