Monday, August 23, 2010

Just go stuff it

Ok I know it's been awhile, I admit, my gung-ho chilled out and I found myself with nothing to really write about. I will try to do better, at least a once a week update.
Anyways my topic of the day is shoes!
I don't know if any of you have ever had the dilemna of super cute shoes that just don't fit quuuite right or the shoes are a dream but give you blisters in a certain area preventing you from wearing them as much as you'd like
I have found the solution!
Lamb's wool and moleskin (hooray for animals apparently!)
I had vaguely remember reading in a dance magazine I used to subscribe to that dancers could use moleskin to get a tighter fit on a pair of pointe shoes (you know those shoes that enables them to stand on the top on their toes? and no they're not made of wood, just paste) so I thought I'd try that but I knew when it came to regular shoes there had to be more.
Here was my scenario - I had some super cute heels that were actually a size too big (but they were on sale! and cute! and they fit in the store!)
So when I wore them my feet were constantly slipping out of them. I thought if I wore socks that would help. I did, but not a whole lot. Then I tried stuffing kleenex in there but that was uncomfortable and numbed my toes and still didn't work.
So I was at Rite Aid wandering around the feet care aisle seeing if there was anything that could work.
I saw a pack of lambswool (sorry that's the dancer's spelling of it haha) and I thought I could try it because it's soft but fluffy. And the moleskin could be used at the back to grip my heels.
So I got home and stuffed the toes with lamb's wool and cut the moleskin to size and stuck it on the back of the shoes and voila! It fits with comfort!
Thankfully these are just heels that I will only be wearing for occasions, not as a regular thing.
If you're going be wearing super cute heels with the idea of it more of a regular thing, they do need to fit properly (all shoes do really) but this is a solution for the pair that you're only gonna wear like once a month or so.
And as for shoes that do already fit but give you blisters (even after they've been broken in) just cut the moleskin to size and place in appropriate area and sweet comfort abounds


Maria V said...

What a great tip! I know I'll have to try this one out on most of my heels hahaha

xoxo Maria

Kaitie said...

haha there's a reason I wear flats more than heels