Monday, April 18, 2011

Carrot strips

I had this ooober (I like that spelling for the drawn out effects haha) random inspiration for this post. i was cleaning up after dinner and I was putting away the salad looking at the carrot strips and it hit me! I was gonna write about my food oddities/thoughts.
First off, I hate carrot strips. If I'm gonna eat a carrot I want the satisfaction of a juicy crunch! None of this strip stuff. It's too much like garnish, there for looks not for taste.
My other one is raspberries. I adore raspberries. The tiny box they come in is simply not enough. I always eat them in one sitting (odd phrase. I mean you can sit for hours...) My oddity with them is that I like to brush them softly against my lips to feel the softness of the fruit before eating. No I'm not sitting there rubbing them across my lips repeatedly like a freak, just touching them to my lips to feel them then eat them. (ok weird I know, it kinda reminds me of robert from everybody loves raymond with his habit of everything he ate touched his chin first. now I'm sure you're thinking who is this girl?? people, just watch the show and you'll get it)
My third is chocolate. I was reading in blog somewhere that europeans think american chocolate is basically chocolate flavoring, not actual honest to goodness chocolate. I have to agree. The more I eat quality chocolate, then I eat some "normal" mass produced typical grocery store chocolate and its horrible. It's so fake. It's like comparing diamonds to cubic zirconia; it's almost sad.
There you have it folks. A glimpse into the randomness of me. But I like it and wanted to share. Because I love you that much.

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