Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I was thinking Overthinking

This blog post is inspired by a recent event that happened on facebook and I recalled that has happened to me before several times and other people and remind me why I generally refrain nowadays even though nothing was harmed
An acquaintance of mine on facebook used to be a dancer and went to college to study some obscure field in the ballet world (that frankly I feel doesn't exist anymore its so obsolete but that's personal opinion. I don't mean it as a bad thing)
He had posted something about his feelings as ballet is dying because of certain causes (basically bad choreographers)
I posted I agree however it's because I feel that these choreographers are trying to stay so tightly within the spectrum instead of redefining it such as balanchine did. So it ends up quite boring and almost horrendous because random movements will be oddly manipulated just because they felt it to be advant garde when in actuality it has nothing to do with nothing.
I posted that I felt it's because ballet is being gripped so tightly that it dies instead of being pushed forward.
and in response I get a paragraph that sounds like a thesis argument instead of 2 people just discussing their opinions.
I don't knock education, however I'm tired of all these people who post these things and I'll have an opinion and I contribute (nicely I swear!) in order to generate thought/discussion or just because I feel I have something to add. But then instead of a normal people response like yeah true but or no I think it's this it's responded by a paragrapgh explaining what you meant and how the whole system is failing and nobody can get it right and these other people are technically in this realm so they don't really contribute and yada yada and it's just gaaah. very sucky and sucking
You get what I mean?

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