Sunday, May 29, 2011

An ode to many things

Ok apparently I gotta write about stuff the day after they happen because I sat down to write this and I feel like I'm forgetting events already that I wanted to share. Nonetheless I shall share what I remember!
I will start off with one of my favorite topics: Super Adventure Club.
I'm sure I've written about them before. I'm definitely one of their most loyal fans (I'm a very loyal person. Once I like you or like your work, I will show up to as many shows as I can (which is the majority of shows) and I will talk about how fantastic you/your work is and take pictures and videos of it and I'm sure generally annoy some people)
I even have a tattoo inspired (and partially paid for by them!) by them. It's the word UNTZ across my upper thigh and it's the name of their first album and one of my favorite songs. You're like uh say wha? untz? Yes untz. Say it out loud and multiple times like a dance beat. I'm sure you'll get it.
I've been a fan of SAC (SAC = super adventure club) for about 4 years now. They are 2 super friendly and hilariously and beyond witty guys who like to make awesome hysterical danceable songs. Find them on facebook. Download the songs on itunes. Your life will change.
So they had a show this friday at cafe du nord in SF and I went. OMG cuh-raaaazy good times! Now there's always some people who dance (myself included) and the rest of the crowd stands by with a bemused smile on their faces. This time? Everybody was dancing up a storm! it was crazy and fun.
There was this super sweet and cute (hey I'm being objective here, not lesbo. she was seriously cute) lady next to me and we ended up dancing together like bff's would. She was so sweet! We had such a good time together. I like it when that happens, when 2 random people can meet, have the funnest time and leave with a smile on their face.
Now for my ode to Cafe du Nord. THANK YOU FOR HAVING CLEAN BATHROOMS AND MORE THAN ONE STALL! Yes the caps were necessary. I do feel that strongly about it. They have amazing bathrooms with more than enough toilet paper (as someone who practically eats the stuff, I will forever love you if you have extra t.p. around) and shockingly unlike so many places in SF, they have more than one stall!  MAJOR sigh of relief by me the toilet queen (hello bladder issues) so I can pee in peace without worrying about them other girls banging down my stall door.
Now onto creme brulee
I'm on twitter and I follow this food cart in SF on twitter known as the creme brulee cart (you can follow him too at cremebruleecart) and for 2 years I've been reading his tweets and knowing where he was but it's like it just wasn't time for me to try some jus yet cuz even if I was in the area I would completely forget about him
So this last weekend (before this one) I remembered! and found him! and had some! and loved it! my only critisism is that I was expecting the creme brulee to be warmer (perhaps I'm wrong in this thought....) as it was cold. but delecious nonetheless! I had nutella with balsamic strawberry.
I was expecting the guy to be a bit more outgoing (expectations. what a funny thing) I mean he has a food cart and he runs around SF selling them you know? You'd think he'd be a super charismatic guy. But no, he's just a calm chill reserved guy (who's good looking!) selling his goodies. I appreciate that.
I also went to forageSF underground maket. It's supposed to be like a farmer's market but just for the secret society of the forageSF crew. which apparently was all of SF! when I went in, talk about overwhelming!! sooooo many people!
I'll be honest, it wasn't that great. I'll be honest again; I didn't sample everything (didn't have the money to try it all) but it was that feeling of some people cooked up some pretty good food in their kitchen and brought it to the event. There was nothing that set it apart or made you remember it and went wow man! but like I said, I didn't try everything....
I think that's it folks. til next time!

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