Thursday, September 15, 2011

Date experience #2

Allrighty peoples! Time to tell you about another date experience of mine! (I told you dating is not a regular thing for me. Besides we all wanna talk about dating anyways right?)
So I must preface this story by admitting I joined the dating website Okcupid. Guess what the surprising part is...I would actually reccomend that if you wanna get into dating online for free. The website is easy to use, fun, and clean! Just answer questions (thats how they match you up) write stuff about yourself, upload some pics and start looking/answering messages!
So I found this super cute guy who's a bit different than your average guy. He's a farmer, lives in pennsylvania but was in SF for a photography job (hes also a photographer)
We strike up a convo and agree to meet later in the week.
I said hey let's go to the SFMOMA since it's free museum day (after all, that's a good date isn't it? You can talk about each other or the art if the convo fails) So we meet.
He definitely looks like a guide you'd see in a magazine for how to dress casual hipster (but he was cute!) but I have no problem with that.
He wasn't the chatty type. So we just walked around semi together and through the exhibits.
We leave and agree to go look for postcards since he wanted one for a friend. We go to the mission district (his prompting not mine. But I asked him where he wanted to go. Naturally he wanted to go there this it has a popular reputation and he looked like he was from there)
We go into my fav bookstore and I tell him Hey, I gotta use the bathroom.
So I go.
Come back out...and I can't find him. Now mind you the bookstore is about as big as a living room in a surburban house. This isn't Barnes & Nobles.
I look around. I ask the guy working at the cashier if he had seen him, he says yes, we talked for a bit but he should still be in here...
So I look around again. I go outside and give him a call.
His excuse? His friend had just called him and he needed to go. But he had fun.
Uh huh, riiiiight buddy.
Note this - unless your friend is dying or something equally as pressing (I can't think of what else....) you can wait a few minutes to say goodbye to your date.
Giant Fail.
But I wasn't too bummed, I did kinda see it coming. Which in a way is an even bigger fail. Because that means I knew you were gonna fail. But at least I'm not delusional.
But I had no romantic interest, it was more of hey, let's meet and have some fun. Which we met. Fun? Not exactly. the dude barely talked. I looked at his profile again and laughed. Because in the describe yourself section he talks about how he is super witty, great at asking questions, great at convo, great at de-awkwardizing awkward situations (his words not mine)
Annnd he wasn't. Or possibly I so repulsed him he couldn't bring himself to do that.
We all know who's lying here (him. he's not great)
At least he was cute.....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We should strive to be more like....dogs?

Hi! So I went to this lameish pet fair out in san rafael today (san rafel is pretty at least...) to look at all things bay area pet. As I'm walking in the parking lot I see a bumper sticker that says greet every person like it's your dog. I smile and think to myself "that's so cheesy"
But now hours later....
The word unconditional love popped in my mind. And that bumper sticker. And I started wondering why is it people are so free and super friendly around and directly to dogs? I've walked my dog in a downtown area near me and it's actually astounding to me how people will talk to my dog so freely like hi there! and aren't you so cute!? who would otherwise never even make eye contact with me.
Because dogs love people unconditionally. Because dogs don't care who they, what they sound like, what they're wearing, etc. and these people know that.
So that got me started thinking about christians. We need to be like that to people. That's the fastest way people will respond. Is by loving them unconditionally.
Yes the dog-God thing is not lost on me. If anything it's ironic. Because dogs like God, do love conditionally. But God has some major one-upping on these dogs. Because God can actually help these people. Can turn their lives around. Can save them from literally anything. dogs can only go so far.
I can't express how much this is actually impacting me. I hope you can grasp it. Or perhaps its only a personal thing.
Unconditional love. Not caring but just loving on these people. No matter how much they may abuse that, like some dog owners do, we're still there. and when we start to feel the abuse, we have a source to replenish us and is really the One who is loving these people, because we can't on our own

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Product review - Bachman's Sparrow

Hey all!
So I recently won a drawing from in which I received 3 lip balms - Peppermint, Citrus, and Strawberry Fields.
So I wanted to give her (my dear friend maria who is an absolute sweetheart and such a hard worker. plus she's pretty knowledgeable about different things; mainly fashion, crafts, and green living/beauty products) a whole blog post in which I review her awesome products.
First up is Strawberry Fields. Now this one is absolutely perfect for those of you who love sweet things and for those of you who love strawberry ice cream. It glides on so smooth and it tatses like you're eating strawberry ice cream! So yummy!
Now Peppermint. This one here rivals and in my opinion beats out burt's bees lip balm. Oh yes beats it by a landslide! Why? Well get this; all of maria's products (she has more on her etsy which you can find the link to on her blog - her completely natural! I mean completely. Because what I'm finding out these days is that all natural products are not all natural. And that's bumming me out a bunch. Take a gander at the ingredients found on ther peppermint: beeswax, shea butter, olive oil, honey, natural sweetener, vitamin a, and essential oils. Whereas Burts bees has    Beeswax, cocos nucifera (coconut) oil, prunus amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond) oil, mentha piperita (peppermint) oil, lanolin, tocopherol, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract, glycine soja (soybean) oil, canola oil.  (ingredients taken from their website)
So how does this peppermint beat burts bees? First off it's waaay smoother! You wouldn't think this would be a big deal or even noticeable but it is! I would sit there for 5mins with burts bees going over and over my lips with the balm to get the right even application to feel that awesome peppermint tingle. Bachman's Sparrow's lip balm I just glided it over my lips about twice and it was perfect. A rich even coating over my lips that feels just right. Needless to say I chucked my burts bees.
Now the Citrus lip balm. This one actually ended up being my fav of the bunch even though I thought the peppermint would be. It's a lemon with orange citrus. And it tastes exactly like that which I love. It reminds me of those time when you drink something soothing like tea with honey and lemon. That's how it tastes and feels to me. It's so soothing, the perfect combo of flavors and it goes on so smooth! And here's another way you can tell if something is natural - you don't need as much of it. with these lip balms, you apply it and you're good! You don't need to keep reapplying or even sit there for 5mins while you zone out and keep gliding the lip balm over your lips like I'm sure many of us do.
Maria you are amazing and I can't wait to see what other products you come out with!
All these products are worth the prize (yes spendier than the average drugstore brand but! substantially cheaper than organic all natural products (trust me, I've bought some all natural products recently and lets just say $18 for eyeliner) so it's definitely worth the price. At her etsy shop she has more flavors than the ones I received so you'll find something for everybody to like. Please take a look and more importantly make a purchase!