Thursday, September 15, 2011

Date experience #2

Allrighty peoples! Time to tell you about another date experience of mine! (I told you dating is not a regular thing for me. Besides we all wanna talk about dating anyways right?)
So I must preface this story by admitting I joined the dating website Okcupid. Guess what the surprising part is...I would actually reccomend that if you wanna get into dating online for free. The website is easy to use, fun, and clean! Just answer questions (thats how they match you up) write stuff about yourself, upload some pics and start looking/answering messages!
So I found this super cute guy who's a bit different than your average guy. He's a farmer, lives in pennsylvania but was in SF for a photography job (hes also a photographer)
We strike up a convo and agree to meet later in the week.
I said hey let's go to the SFMOMA since it's free museum day (after all, that's a good date isn't it? You can talk about each other or the art if the convo fails) So we meet.
He definitely looks like a guide you'd see in a magazine for how to dress casual hipster (but he was cute!) but I have no problem with that.
He wasn't the chatty type. So we just walked around semi together and through the exhibits.
We leave and agree to go look for postcards since he wanted one for a friend. We go to the mission district (his prompting not mine. But I asked him where he wanted to go. Naturally he wanted to go there this it has a popular reputation and he looked like he was from there)
We go into my fav bookstore and I tell him Hey, I gotta use the bathroom.
So I go.
Come back out...and I can't find him. Now mind you the bookstore is about as big as a living room in a surburban house. This isn't Barnes & Nobles.
I look around. I ask the guy working at the cashier if he had seen him, he says yes, we talked for a bit but he should still be in here...
So I look around again. I go outside and give him a call.
His excuse? His friend had just called him and he needed to go. But he had fun.
Uh huh, riiiiight buddy.
Note this - unless your friend is dying or something equally as pressing (I can't think of what else....) you can wait a few minutes to say goodbye to your date.
Giant Fail.
But I wasn't too bummed, I did kinda see it coming. Which in a way is an even bigger fail. Because that means I knew you were gonna fail. But at least I'm not delusional.
But I had no romantic interest, it was more of hey, let's meet and have some fun. Which we met. Fun? Not exactly. the dude barely talked. I looked at his profile again and laughed. Because in the describe yourself section he talks about how he is super witty, great at asking questions, great at convo, great at de-awkwardizing awkward situations (his words not mine)
Annnd he wasn't. Or possibly I so repulsed him he couldn't bring himself to do that.
We all know who's lying here (him. he's not great)
At least he was cute.....

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