Friday, September 10, 2010

Melons, Friends, Jugs.

What do those have in common?
Names for boobs.
(here is where I do my apologizing for the last time for lack of updates)
Now normally I'd leave my reviewing for my friend emmaly over at but she was a dancer in it and hey its my blog, and dance shows are a part of me (having been a former dancer)
I have watched this piece since it's inception piece and it's been a true journey. The amazing thing about the choreographer Malinda Lavalle is that theres an amazing sense of guts and intsinct in her pieces, very rarely is something overworked, it just seems to emanate from her.
I'll give my thoughts on her journey with this piece. (oh yes I will!)
The first time i saw it, it was like a little 5 minute piece but it totally grabbed my attention and honestly even shocked me a bit. It was girls manhandling their boobs to a soundtrack of machine guns. My first reaction was shock but as I dwelled on it afterwards my reaction was honestly glee. I loved the audacity and the originality! And a soundtrack of machine guns?? Brilliant beyond words!
Then she brought the piece over to the RAW (resident artist workshop) over at the Garage in San Francisco (small venue but great for exploring your dance options)
This showing was longer, more in the 15-20mins range. The piece was still delightful but honestly on reflection was overworked to a degree, but hey that's part of exploring choreography. Instead of just manhandling boobs to be like guns there was an element of the "whole woman" that act of "OMG do I look pretty?" and the dominance fight of who's boobs are better.
Malinda also has amazing talent of understanding rhythm. It's almost like a drummer in a sense because she can set perfect movements that go with the music so perfectly that it makes you smile in delight.
Then the culmination of the piece at the Garage was last night.
Let me tell you, it was brilliant!
My honest and visceral reaction was to respond verbally to everything I saw. Some people actually did. not just by laughing or gasping or what have you but to physically say a word or sentence in response, which was interesting, I've never had that reaction before.
The dancers subtleties are amazing and unique to each of them, there were some moment where Malinda tapped into that, such as Maggie's fierceness and audacity. She's the first one to turn around and say tits, right in your face, matter of factly. Joy's facial expressions that have an amazing range beyond even most actresses I would say. I could go on and on and I love it, Malinda truly tapped into their personalities so they really came across onstage, even though it probably helps I know most of them personally.
(side note, this is why I can't be a reviewer, I ramble waay too much)
But this piece was effortless, amazing, audacious, hysterical, and thought-provoking.
There was shouting of boob names, audacious dance moves, cat fights, pillow fights, girly girl squealing and conversation, show-girl style dancing, stars on bras, a random pillow posing moment and more.
I truly hope a video of this gets put up and should you ever hear Malinda Lavalle's name in anything, it is a must see

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