Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm at the Bottom of the Hill

Hey all,
I wanted to share a not so recent experience at a beloved long time venue of SF, Bottom of the Hill.
The plan? My longtime bestie (and a too far away one!) and I go to see my favorite band of all time - Super Adventure Club
We meet up at my place, doing the classic girly ritual of discussing what to wear and doing make up.
Then naturally take a picture before heading out because thats the 21st century (or have we moved to a new name/time frame?) rule of girls going out
We head out, having a pleasant drive and easily finding the venue. Parking is plentiful by SF standards, free parking a block or so way. Definitely dont park on the street of the place (17th st) but still you should be golden.
Vibe is chill, people are rather chatty and social, so its social hour mixed with awesome music. Drinks are cash only and strong. There's a small tv above the bar, which was tuned in to some old school cartoons so instant awesome points for that.
Loud but not overwhelmingly so, except when you're close to the stage some of the sounds of the songs can be lost
Always a good view of the stage unless you're behind the one structural beam thats towards the back.
The bands of the night were Lord Loves A Working Man, Planet Booty, and Super Adventure Club.
LLAWM is a very classic band, bringing classic sounds and vibes and making them fresh.
Planet Booty is band thats a unique and outrageous as the name. Crazy high energy and personalities, complete with a bad ass dancing chick. They know how to start a party and get people hyped, so check them out next chance you get! The only thing that didnt make sense about them is that they seem to have seemingly "useless" members. They rely highly on the personality of the 2 main singers. I know the others were there to make music, but they in no way participated of the crazy antics. So it seemed a bit mismatched.
SAC as we all know I'm a devoted fan. This was their big night of their second cd release of the album "Expensive"
I loved hearing all the songs, but they didn't seem to having as much fun as they normally do when they perform, they seemed a tad rushed and tired, like they were just pumping out the songs from the new album. They did have an awesome twist in the end where Jake, the drummer comes out in......a red speedo with a picture of the Hoff of the crotch.
Naturally the girls went wild, and there was even a receiving line of sorts after the set to get a picture with Jake.
I made my way closer to stage from each set, and for once I would actually recommend staying a bit to back or side for maximum enjoyment of the band. Better sounds and more room to dance. But right upfront by the stage you can dump your purse on the big speakers on the ground so you dont have to be weighed down by it.
Bathrooms are decent, meets standard requirements of being generally clean and having more than 1 stall. I did not like how close to the stage it is (off to the side) and the smallness of it so the door seems constantly open and theres no room for a line. Also too dark in the stalls (or maybe I just prefer light...I like seeing whats going on haha)
So there you have it people, a solid review and a good reason to check this place out. I can see why they're such an establishment in SF

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Date experience #2

Allrighty peoples! Time to tell you about another date experience of mine! (I told you dating is not a regular thing for me. Besides we all wanna talk about dating anyways right?)
So I must preface this story by admitting I joined the dating website Okcupid. Guess what the surprising part is...I would actually reccomend that if you wanna get into dating online for free. The website is easy to use, fun, and clean! Just answer questions (thats how they match you up) write stuff about yourself, upload some pics and start looking/answering messages!
So I found this super cute guy who's a bit different than your average guy. He's a farmer, lives in pennsylvania but was in SF for a photography job (hes also a photographer)
We strike up a convo and agree to meet later in the week.
I said hey let's go to the SFMOMA since it's free museum day (after all, that's a good date isn't it? You can talk about each other or the art if the convo fails) So we meet.
He definitely looks like a guide you'd see in a magazine for how to dress casual hipster (but he was cute!) but I have no problem with that.
He wasn't the chatty type. So we just walked around semi together and through the exhibits.
We leave and agree to go look for postcards since he wanted one for a friend. We go to the mission district (his prompting not mine. But I asked him where he wanted to go. Naturally he wanted to go there this it has a popular reputation and he looked like he was from there)
We go into my fav bookstore and I tell him Hey, I gotta use the bathroom.
So I go.
Come back out...and I can't find him. Now mind you the bookstore is about as big as a living room in a surburban house. This isn't Barnes & Nobles.
I look around. I ask the guy working at the cashier if he had seen him, he says yes, we talked for a bit but he should still be in here...
So I look around again. I go outside and give him a call.
His excuse? His friend had just called him and he needed to go. But he had fun.
Uh huh, riiiiight buddy.
Note this - unless your friend is dying or something equally as pressing (I can't think of what else....) you can wait a few minutes to say goodbye to your date.
Giant Fail.
But I wasn't too bummed, I did kinda see it coming. Which in a way is an even bigger fail. Because that means I knew you were gonna fail. But at least I'm not delusional.
But I had no romantic interest, it was more of hey, let's meet and have some fun. Which we met. Fun? Not exactly. the dude barely talked. I looked at his profile again and laughed. Because in the describe yourself section he talks about how he is super witty, great at asking questions, great at convo, great at de-awkwardizing awkward situations (his words not mine)
Annnd he wasn't. Or possibly I so repulsed him he couldn't bring himself to do that.
We all know who's lying here (him. he's not great)
At least he was cute.....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We should strive to be more like....dogs?

Hi! So I went to this lameish pet fair out in san rafael today (san rafel is pretty at least...) to look at all things bay area pet. As I'm walking in the parking lot I see a bumper sticker that says greet every person like it's your dog. I smile and think to myself "that's so cheesy"
But now hours later....
The word unconditional love popped in my mind. And that bumper sticker. And I started wondering why is it people are so free and super friendly around and directly to dogs? I've walked my dog in a downtown area near me and it's actually astounding to me how people will talk to my dog so freely like hi there! and aren't you so cute!? who would otherwise never even make eye contact with me.
Because dogs love people unconditionally. Because dogs don't care who they, what they sound like, what they're wearing, etc. and these people know that.
So that got me started thinking about christians. We need to be like that to people. That's the fastest way people will respond. Is by loving them unconditionally.
Yes the dog-God thing is not lost on me. If anything it's ironic. Because dogs like God, do love conditionally. But God has some major one-upping on these dogs. Because God can actually help these people. Can turn their lives around. Can save them from literally anything. dogs can only go so far.
I can't express how much this is actually impacting me. I hope you can grasp it. Or perhaps its only a personal thing.
Unconditional love. Not caring but just loving on these people. No matter how much they may abuse that, like some dog owners do, we're still there. and when we start to feel the abuse, we have a source to replenish us and is really the One who is loving these people, because we can't on our own

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Product review - Bachman's Sparrow

Hey all!
So I recently won a drawing from in which I received 3 lip balms - Peppermint, Citrus, and Strawberry Fields.
So I wanted to give her (my dear friend maria who is an absolute sweetheart and such a hard worker. plus she's pretty knowledgeable about different things; mainly fashion, crafts, and green living/beauty products) a whole blog post in which I review her awesome products.
First up is Strawberry Fields. Now this one is absolutely perfect for those of you who love sweet things and for those of you who love strawberry ice cream. It glides on so smooth and it tatses like you're eating strawberry ice cream! So yummy!
Now Peppermint. This one here rivals and in my opinion beats out burt's bees lip balm. Oh yes beats it by a landslide! Why? Well get this; all of maria's products (she has more on her etsy which you can find the link to on her blog - her completely natural! I mean completely. Because what I'm finding out these days is that all natural products are not all natural. And that's bumming me out a bunch. Take a gander at the ingredients found on ther peppermint: beeswax, shea butter, olive oil, honey, natural sweetener, vitamin a, and essential oils. Whereas Burts bees has    Beeswax, cocos nucifera (coconut) oil, prunus amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond) oil, mentha piperita (peppermint) oil, lanolin, tocopherol, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract, glycine soja (soybean) oil, canola oil.  (ingredients taken from their website)
So how does this peppermint beat burts bees? First off it's waaay smoother! You wouldn't think this would be a big deal or even noticeable but it is! I would sit there for 5mins with burts bees going over and over my lips with the balm to get the right even application to feel that awesome peppermint tingle. Bachman's Sparrow's lip balm I just glided it over my lips about twice and it was perfect. A rich even coating over my lips that feels just right. Needless to say I chucked my burts bees.
Now the Citrus lip balm. This one actually ended up being my fav of the bunch even though I thought the peppermint would be. It's a lemon with orange citrus. And it tastes exactly like that which I love. It reminds me of those time when you drink something soothing like tea with honey and lemon. That's how it tastes and feels to me. It's so soothing, the perfect combo of flavors and it goes on so smooth! And here's another way you can tell if something is natural - you don't need as much of it. with these lip balms, you apply it and you're good! You don't need to keep reapplying or even sit there for 5mins while you zone out and keep gliding the lip balm over your lips like I'm sure many of us do.
Maria you are amazing and I can't wait to see what other products you come out with!
All these products are worth the prize (yes spendier than the average drugstore brand but! substantially cheaper than organic all natural products (trust me, I've bought some all natural products recently and lets just say $18 for eyeliner) so it's definitely worth the price. At her etsy shop she has more flavors than the ones I received so you'll find something for everybody to like. Please take a look and more importantly make a purchase!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Once a dancer always a dancer?

Hi all in blogland.
I was looking at my blog and was sad that I didn't have anything to blog about when whammo! an idea just hit me (when I was about to turn off my computer actually haha)
I was thinking about dancing after watching a clip of an old classmate of mine dancing a piece she had created for a piece she's in and it started me thinking about dancing.
Do I miss it? Yes and no.
I don't miss the stress, the constant wondering, the feeling of needing to always think about it to be a better artist but yet wanting to stop thinking about it to give my brain a rest but then still being consumed by it because the thoughts of dance are limitless really. The constant aches pain (but strangely I actually miss the soreness as well) the constant feeling of inadequacy I experienced and wrestled with but was combated with the feeling of utter triumph and victory and strength. (does this make sense?)
I hated always comparing myself to everybody else and feeling like I could never do to choreography justice the way everybody else could. I didn't like that everybody else seemed to have body of rubber bands whereas I was like pizza dough, I needed to stretch myself everyday all day for hours and on repeat to maintain decent form. I didn't like always being tired but yet I did because it meant I had done something.
But yet at almost any given moment these days I'm dancing little phrases or standing on half pointe in the shower or doing pique arabesques. I stand in front of the mirror and critique my arms in second position.
I miss the routine of plies. I miss Summer's inspirational words and motivation and surprisingly fun pirouette combos. I miss watching Christian's body flop about, his old fashioned grande allegros. I miss Alex's choreography. I miss being sore and sweaty. I miss the familar pattern I had of stretching. I miss watching people and then knowing their movements so well that it defined them. I miss being a part of the process. I miss knowing what was expected of me and knowing how to fulfill those expectations.
Will I ever be a dancer again? It's becoming quite sure in my head the answer is no. I honestly do still entertain the vague notion that someday I'll choreograph or teach or somehow be back in the studio.
Am I sad about all this? Yes and no.
For the longest time I thought other than for the dance life, dancing didn't really benefit me in other areas of my life. People always say it does, but I just figured that was some way to reassure themselves that dancing was not a waste of time.
Do I think dancing was a waste of my time? Not in the least. It definitely bothers me that I dedicated so much to dancing and honestly nothing came of it except some amazing experiences and insight into that world.
But I just realized dance taught me perserverance and faith. Perserverance because in class and in rehearsal you have to trust that it'll work out. That you will somehow understand it or at the very least just be able to do it. Because a lot of times in dancing and in life you don't know what to do, or even how to do it or anything. But you just keep doing it. You just keep trying. Even if it's so far beyond frustrating you still do it. It's almost sadistic the way you keep on going but yet you do. Because of the plain fact you have to. And that produces faith because it will work out somehow. Something will be done

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You're like almost an Amish person

I kid you not, that was actually said to me on a date last night.
Ok so I'm gonna blog about this date (thanks Corinne!)
A) because I rarely go on dates
B) because I wanna share my experience
C) to perhaps help some of the guys (ok I know they're not reading this but its a nice thought to round this out) with some tips of how to be. because whether you like it or not, ITS THE SMALL STUFF THAT MAKES A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE (yes all that needed to be in caps. bear with me here)
So, I went swing dancing tuesday night with some close friends of mine (to my experience swing dancing refer back a few posts to stompy jones) I actually made it to the lesson on time which added to the experience a bit, made me feel a tad more prepared. And God bless those guys who actually show up for a lesson. Serious kudos to you.
People watching is soo much fun! ok ok moving on
So as always some random guys had asked me to dance and we had fun (men, please note that saying to a partner you danced with is a beginner is kinda mean. I know I'm a beginner and I know you're not. So thanks captain obvious; are you trying to deter me? move along)
I must say the highlight was dancing with a lesbian for it was so far unusual to me but highly fun and unique and very non-sexual (and her hands felt like mine. that sensation can only be described as ubiquitous.)
so this guy asks me to dance and he's obviously been dancing for quite a while but he asks if I've done other forms of dancing. I say yes, I used to be a ballet dancer. He says ahhh I can tell! You turn with your arms in high fifth and your arms are so balletic (upon watching myself in a video attempting to rave dance, I have concluded I have very balletic arms. which is rather personally amusing for I was always told my port de bras was one of my weaker points)
so we dance a few songs. Honestly he was a bit odd, gave off a gay vibe (hello will truman from will & grace) and he was deeply obssesed with the music but then he paid attention to me. rather disconcerting.
We chat a bit. Now men, asking questions is to be expected but pleease once you hit on some tragic subject (like the reason I don't dance anymore) please stop harping on it. I really don't feel like discussing my deep personal trauma with you. I just met you. I like your concern but once again move along.
We exchange numbers (his phone background wallpaper was a picture of himself lmao) he says lets hang out sometime, I'll call you. I oblige
He calls me the next morning! So we schedule a date for that evening.
I was running late from work so I shoot him a text (oh a quick note, the guy hated texting. not bueno for me a textaholic. but I as I told him later, he had a loud voice and enunciated well so I didn't mind talking to him on the phone. but he did sweetly deal with my texting)
I shoot him a text saying I'll be there late. He says good.
I show up. I'm exhausted and don't really feel like putting on my dating charms. But I'm a trooper.
He's not there. So I wait about 5 mins. No call no text. So I order my food to go. Thennn he calls me! (15mins later...) says he's running late and he'll be there in 15. So I get my food and wait for the guy. He shows up and gets a beer and fries and explains how his dogs got diarrhea and he had to clean that up. He vents about that a bit. Not a problem. He many times offered his fries, I decline. He asks more probing questions (minus points there) and I attempt to find out more about him (I did get soome info but man that guy knew waay more about me) we go for a walk a bit and as every first date of mine (except for one) we get on the topic of religion (since my beliefs are the very core of who I am, its my identity)
OH  by the way; if you suggest we go for a walk please wait for the gal to pick up her purse instead of walking out the door and waiting, its rude (which he did)
The amish comment came up because I had said I haven't had sex since I don't believe in sex before marriage. So we had an interesting discussion of things relating to that. He's a bit of an odd bird though, in the middle of us talking he'd start humming and completely forget what we were talking about or say that restaurant is really good. Uh ok....?
Then he walks me back to my car and we tie up the discussion, we hug and say bye.
I text him today and say I had fun. He responds saying I'm glad you did, I did too but I don't think we're a match. I say I agree but unless you believe guys and girls can't be friends there's no reason we can't ever talk again (I like having friends with different viewpoints once in awhile, it shakes thing up)
He says sorry
The End

Saturday, June 4, 2011

After all what's in a name?

Names, they mean everything to us right? It's how we identify and connect things to one another.
Ok so, I went to a dance showing called thieves the other night at my old home SFCD (SF conservatory of dance)
Now I don't know who exactly choreographed it and what not, all I know it was basically some some woman who talks with her teeth always shut together (like a smile)
So the piece itself was ehhh. Some original moments that were never expounded upon and the boring to death parts repeated over and over. Wonderful dancers though that's for sure.
I'm not even quite sure how to explain the piece except for that there were a lot of animalistic influeneces and feelings that reeked of war-time emotions (I don't know how else to put it...)
The unique thing about these dancers was that they both shared masculine and feminine energies. The guy looked quite fem but there were moments where he was actually quite masculine, in the animalistic instict moments. And the gal looked rather butch but had some soft feminine qualities as well.
The thing that bugged me was during the discussion as afterwards my friend pointed out to me (since I honestly couldn't understand hardly anybody) was that a guy in the audience had asked why she named it thieves. There was nothing at all in the piece that connected with that word. And she got rather defensive about it and basically ended up saying its not the name that matters its the piece and how different people have different connections to words especially from different parts of the world (this company is based in amsterdam)
But that really bothered me. It showed her lack of experience and maturity. For the piece itself was rather inexperienced though it had some beautiful moments, it definitely had that feeling of this was the first piece she's ever choreographed.
But it bothered me so much that she got defensive and a bit angry because first of all lady, that's an honest question. For you present this title of your piece and then the word has nothing to do with nothing. It would have been better to call it unamed or in progress for then that leaves more of a blank slate for people as oppose to leading us to believe some thieving is going to take place. I feel like that you should take time to accurately name a piece. We take time to name our kids for what they're named gives a presentation, a preconception to the world. Even Alex Ketley (one of my favorite choreographers of all time) as random or obscure his title of the pieces may be, they connected, they made sense. So her lack of insight or whatever turned me off even more to the piece.
Now on to more pleasant things.
My friend Joy Prendergast recently debuted a work in progress of her choreography so naturally I went to go see it.
It was quite beautiful. I knew it would be. Joy has the most gorgeous of movements and she can take the simplest stuff and make it absolutely golden, it flows together like water. The underlying tension of everything was fantastic, it left you wondering why. To me it felt like a bit of a take off (not rip off but I mean like going down another path of the same broad idea) of Project Bust which she is a dancer in for it related to 2 females and underlying tension in dealings with each other. I look foward to seeing its progression and seeing the intentions coming through more clearly.
As I went to the show I had to laugh and say to myself, this is why I don't go to just any random showing of dance. Because you NEVER know what you will get.
Joy's piece was one of many different pieces that were showcased at the Garage in SF. The garage is quite a venue. Tons of people have started out there but I have seen the most random obscure mishmash of stuff there. Some highly interesting albeit disturbing and some simply good/entertaining but not rich in meaning and some pure absolute crap. The garage I feel is a bit of what I call an honest venue. You can be your absolute self and everybody will see/hear/know it. My polite way of showing that I hated the piece more than anything is by not clapping. I will refuse to clap. For that was crap. It's not worthy of my applause and you should've saved yourself the effort.
Here's my conundrum - I understand the work the effort the time and everything else that goes into making a dance. But some are just pure horrifying and disgusting to me. And I feel bad because I know they poured every fiber of their being into it and I know it provides such a sweet relief in a way but man, spare me.
It reminds me of an article I read on the Bold Italic (google that suckas, you'll LOVE it!) where the guy is basically saying the same thing I'm saying here but about the music scene. He says you know what? enough of the polite applause after every band's set regardless if they sucked or not. Bring back the booing, let them know they suck!
Which I agree with. Does that make me a hardass? A Cynic? I don't know. But I like to think of it as reality. We need to know when we suck at stuff. Ok maybe we like doing whatever it is we suck at, but then enjoy it in the privacy of your own home. save the effort and the humiliation and just stay home with it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

An ode to many things

Ok apparently I gotta write about stuff the day after they happen because I sat down to write this and I feel like I'm forgetting events already that I wanted to share. Nonetheless I shall share what I remember!
I will start off with one of my favorite topics: Super Adventure Club.
I'm sure I've written about them before. I'm definitely one of their most loyal fans (I'm a very loyal person. Once I like you or like your work, I will show up to as many shows as I can (which is the majority of shows) and I will talk about how fantastic you/your work is and take pictures and videos of it and I'm sure generally annoy some people)
I even have a tattoo inspired (and partially paid for by them!) by them. It's the word UNTZ across my upper thigh and it's the name of their first album and one of my favorite songs. You're like uh say wha? untz? Yes untz. Say it out loud and multiple times like a dance beat. I'm sure you'll get it.
I've been a fan of SAC (SAC = super adventure club) for about 4 years now. They are 2 super friendly and hilariously and beyond witty guys who like to make awesome hysterical danceable songs. Find them on facebook. Download the songs on itunes. Your life will change.
So they had a show this friday at cafe du nord in SF and I went. OMG cuh-raaaazy good times! Now there's always some people who dance (myself included) and the rest of the crowd stands by with a bemused smile on their faces. This time? Everybody was dancing up a storm! it was crazy and fun.
There was this super sweet and cute (hey I'm being objective here, not lesbo. she was seriously cute) lady next to me and we ended up dancing together like bff's would. She was so sweet! We had such a good time together. I like it when that happens, when 2 random people can meet, have the funnest time and leave with a smile on their face.
Now for my ode to Cafe du Nord. THANK YOU FOR HAVING CLEAN BATHROOMS AND MORE THAN ONE STALL! Yes the caps were necessary. I do feel that strongly about it. They have amazing bathrooms with more than enough toilet paper (as someone who practically eats the stuff, I will forever love you if you have extra t.p. around) and shockingly unlike so many places in SF, they have more than one stall!  MAJOR sigh of relief by me the toilet queen (hello bladder issues) so I can pee in peace without worrying about them other girls banging down my stall door.
Now onto creme brulee
I'm on twitter and I follow this food cart in SF on twitter known as the creme brulee cart (you can follow him too at cremebruleecart) and for 2 years I've been reading his tweets and knowing where he was but it's like it just wasn't time for me to try some jus yet cuz even if I was in the area I would completely forget about him
So this last weekend (before this one) I remembered! and found him! and had some! and loved it! my only critisism is that I was expecting the creme brulee to be warmer (perhaps I'm wrong in this thought....) as it was cold. but delecious nonetheless! I had nutella with balsamic strawberry.
I was expecting the guy to be a bit more outgoing (expectations. what a funny thing) I mean he has a food cart and he runs around SF selling them you know? You'd think he'd be a super charismatic guy. But no, he's just a calm chill reserved guy (who's good looking!) selling his goodies. I appreciate that.
I also went to forageSF underground maket. It's supposed to be like a farmer's market but just for the secret society of the forageSF crew. which apparently was all of SF! when I went in, talk about overwhelming!! sooooo many people!
I'll be honest, it wasn't that great. I'll be honest again; I didn't sample everything (didn't have the money to try it all) but it was that feeling of some people cooked up some pretty good food in their kitchen and brought it to the event. There was nothing that set it apart or made you remember it and went wow man! but like I said, I didn't try everything....
I think that's it folks. til next time!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I was thinking Overthinking

This blog post is inspired by a recent event that happened on facebook and I recalled that has happened to me before several times and other people and remind me why I generally refrain nowadays even though nothing was harmed
An acquaintance of mine on facebook used to be a dancer and went to college to study some obscure field in the ballet world (that frankly I feel doesn't exist anymore its so obsolete but that's personal opinion. I don't mean it as a bad thing)
He had posted something about his feelings as ballet is dying because of certain causes (basically bad choreographers)
I posted I agree however it's because I feel that these choreographers are trying to stay so tightly within the spectrum instead of redefining it such as balanchine did. So it ends up quite boring and almost horrendous because random movements will be oddly manipulated just because they felt it to be advant garde when in actuality it has nothing to do with nothing.
I posted that I felt it's because ballet is being gripped so tightly that it dies instead of being pushed forward.
and in response I get a paragraph that sounds like a thesis argument instead of 2 people just discussing their opinions.
I don't knock education, however I'm tired of all these people who post these things and I'll have an opinion and I contribute (nicely I swear!) in order to generate thought/discussion or just because I feel I have something to add. But then instead of a normal people response like yeah true but or no I think it's this it's responded by a paragrapgh explaining what you meant and how the whole system is failing and nobody can get it right and these other people are technically in this realm so they don't really contribute and yada yada and it's just gaaah. very sucky and sucking
You get what I mean?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hello darkness old friend

Hi all!
Nooo I didn't forget about you. I just felt soo uninspired and lazy to keep updated even though things were going on. I get more inspired by reading the blogs I follow then writing in this one. Plus it's kind of a bummer because nobody really reads this, which I'm sure it's because I don't put serious time and effort into it. I'm not that delusional haha.
There's some info I'd love to share about a recent photography show I went to and the events/thought/feelings that transpired (ohh so personally juicy) however I'm afraid the person may see it on here. Let's just say it was very typical girl mind drama haha that plays subtle games but then ends up just being happy to see the person and genuinely wants to be friends with the person and was honestly bummed that she wasn't invited and had to pull an internet stalker move to find out about the event. (OY!) and this girl walked 4-6 blocks in heels! the things we do
ok moving on to something more coherent...
Things are quiet here. I keep feeling put on hold. and it's a bit of bummer! I wanna start dreaming and planning to move to SF but now I have a big serious consultation with UCSF for my bladder issues in july. And I was hoping to move during the summer...granted there's still time and God can open doors like crazy but it's just like come onnnn already! I keep trying to find my niche. I do love kids but I'm feeling a pull to just work from home, work on my own. Maybe it's just a self-preservation thing because it's less stressful to me than working with kids (it's stressful knowing you'll be in the bathroom for more than 5mins and the kid is out alone. granted some you can just lock in their room/crib and some are just old enough to be left alone for a bit. But still!)
I really honestly don't know. Still. So the journey continues. It doesn't bug me and yet it does. I hate too many choices. You give me a couple, I'll pick one and I'll go at it with all I've got. God brought me here because He knows that so He's testing my dependency and trust on Him.
I'm so thankful for my amazing kind sweet hilarious friends.
Just had to say that. They understand my issues and just go with me. We go places or just stay home. I may not have a lot of friends but the ones I do have; pure GOLD man.
Hm I don't wanna end here but I need to sort out my thoughts/stories some more so I can write about them.
I plan to be writing more this week...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Carrot strips

I had this ooober (I like that spelling for the drawn out effects haha) random inspiration for this post. i was cleaning up after dinner and I was putting away the salad looking at the carrot strips and it hit me! I was gonna write about my food oddities/thoughts.
First off, I hate carrot strips. If I'm gonna eat a carrot I want the satisfaction of a juicy crunch! None of this strip stuff. It's too much like garnish, there for looks not for taste.
My other one is raspberries. I adore raspberries. The tiny box they come in is simply not enough. I always eat them in one sitting (odd phrase. I mean you can sit for hours...) My oddity with them is that I like to brush them softly against my lips to feel the softness of the fruit before eating. No I'm not sitting there rubbing them across my lips repeatedly like a freak, just touching them to my lips to feel them then eat them. (ok weird I know, it kinda reminds me of robert from everybody loves raymond with his habit of everything he ate touched his chin first. now I'm sure you're thinking who is this girl?? people, just watch the show and you'll get it)
My third is chocolate. I was reading in blog somewhere that europeans think american chocolate is basically chocolate flavoring, not actual honest to goodness chocolate. I have to agree. The more I eat quality chocolate, then I eat some "normal" mass produced typical grocery store chocolate and its horrible. It's so fake. It's like comparing diamonds to cubic zirconia; it's almost sad.
There you have it folks. A glimpse into the randomness of me. But I like it and wanted to share. Because I love you that much.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Stompy Jones

Been meaning to write, just didn't have any inspiration! So I will write about my fabulous evening at the Verdi Club.
The set-up: It was the day before my close friend Emmy's birthday and some friends of our has told us (more her haha) about this place in SF where you can go swing dancing. They give you a quick lesson in basics then there's an open session from 9:30-12am. So we got a group together and dressed up and got ready for a swingin good time. Me being the formal trained trainer was hoping to catch the lesson but we left too late and we showed up for the last 5mins before the open session started. So I just jumped in on the side in hopes of catching a lil something. I did, but I basically totally made up a hoppy version of it haha.
Then open session started and right of the bat a handsome tall guy named Michael asked me to dance. I told him I didn't have a clue so pardon me. He was kind and patient and taught me some moves. We danced for a couple songs so I could kinda get the feel for it. It was so refreshing to just dance with a kind older guy (mid thrirties?) who just loved dancing (ok yes he was gay but I also danced with other non-gay men who were also there just for the love of the good time of dancing)
Then I danced with a guy who was just interested in getting a feel if I was interested in him (I was not) and he was a horrible leader. I had no idea what he was doing and I couldn't follow his rhythm and I tried to slow dance sway to the best of my abilities. Needless to say we didn't dance again that evening.
It was interesting and fun dancing with several different men, how they would lead (or not lead) and act with me. One was a very experienced dancer and knew I wasn't so he just smiled and kept spinning me around haha. Others were just keep it very simple and stick to the basic steps and just help me. Others did their own thing so I just stumbled along. One guy I was convinced just wanted to make me dizzy, he spun me around so many times and then we danced around in a circle. Hated it. Plus he pulled me so close I was actually sucking in my stomach so not to touch him any more than I had to.
My friends and I danced and laughed the night away. I definitely will be coming back here again.
It was interesting to note how seemingly subtle (or obvious) moves/stances/positions I did when not dancing would make me "welcoming" or not. If I was standing up, with my hair down, and on the sidelines I got asked. If I was sitting, chatting with me friends, and with my hair up I only got asked like once. Amusing.
Club Verdi is in an awesome place, right at the point on the border of SOMA, mission, and potrero hill. Plenty of free parking. The space is modest but perfect for the event. You walk in and it's got the slight 50s dingy feel, similar to a bowling alley. It's not shabby but it's not oooo nice. You can tell it's been around but it's clean and well kept. There's a bar and a bar space to the immediate left, couches and chairs to lounge on while you sip. Men's bathroom after that (smart..)
Then you walk straight into the ballroom space. It's spacious and welcoming without being overwhelming. There's a stage that's set up higher for the band to place (stompy jones, a fantastic swing band)
A huge fan at the entry way to keep the room ventilated (It worked, never got overly hot as is the tendency is most SF venues especially when dancing, music, and people are involved.)
Toward to back on the left side of the ballroom you veer a left up the stairs into, BEHOLD the women's lounge!
Ohhh man this place was heaven for all women and especially to someone like me (I rate places on bathrooms. Not solely but it's a huge factor to me)
There's a couple couches for lounging, recovering, and gossiping. The bathroom is set up beautifully and is kept amazingly clean and well stocked. There's a couple of private stalls (more like your home toilet where you just shut the door) and a few regular bathroom stalls. Oh man so much space and cleanliness and toilet paper. I was in heaven!
So go to Verd Club on tuesday nights at 9:30 (or 9pm if you wanna catch the beginner's lesson) $10 (12 if you go for the lesson)
This is a great easy date night idea or just a fun clean time out.
People are very friendly and warm. All kinds of people from youngsters (ok well 20 somethings) to the older folks (like 50 somethings) You can dance with other people or not. Dance to the band (which was never overwhelmingly loud) or wait for the big band DJ'd music.
You can do as you please (within reason people) and have a good time. Virtually creeper free too! (there was like 2 there throughout the duration of the night. but they were harmless)
Go and experience it!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dance Anywhere

I just recently participated in a worldwide event called dance anywhere and I wanted to share my experience/thoughts on it
First off you can get an idea of what it is by going here:
Basically the idea is, on a chosen day/date people around the world would stop and dance at noon (noon here, so noon equivalents elsewhere) to celebrate dance and to bring a bit of dance into our lives.
The concept is a bit vague I realize. What actually never hit me before was that this is actually happening worldwide, we are dancing together at the same time. At this idea was brought up by a lady by the name of Beth Fein. Interesting that a simple idea can reach worldwide. It never ceases to blow my mind
I like it for dancing is good, sometimes we do need to be told to dance. There's actually been times where I felt discouraged and down in the dumps and I just danced it off. It was silly jiggles and shimmies and hops while trying to be quiet (it was 11pm and I was doing it in teh confines of my messy room while the rest of the house was sleeping) but it completely liberated me.
God did ordain and create dance. We actually do need to dance. It liberates us. It makes us let go. It makes us celebrate.
So that's why I have participated in dance anywhere.
Last year I danced at the berkeley art museum out on the grass on a beautiful spring day and it was I think a couple weeks after my surgery. I was nervous because my last memory connected to dance is a bad one for after a dance class I came home and ended up in the ER (I know it had nothing to do with dancing but you know how memories get strangely attached to things) and I was wearing a diaper (hello depends!) and and and....I was just so darn nervous
I ended up dancing for a half hour easily. It was beautiful. It was wonderful. It was creative. It was liberating. It was a time to escape and just focus on what I was doing. I noticed the green grass and the blue sky and the sun. I involved all of those aspects (not to be all hippie....but I WAS in berkeley you know haha) I apprecaited the beauty of it.
This year I danced in the ferry building. It was a rainy cold day. I was a bit nervous this time because I hadn't danced at all in over a year (since the last dance anywhere....) and I know the ferry building always has people in it.
But I enjoyed it. Honestly not as much as last time just because I felt like I was kinda just moving my arms and doing some random movements. But it did feel good.
And this year I got some pretty pictures of my dancing from it!! yaaaaaaay haha
So maybe make it a daily or even a weekly thing. At noon (or whatever time) just stop for a minute (most likely will end up being 5....) and dance. Nobody has to know. it can be utterly ridiculous (because that's the most fun!) But you might just need it....
here's a pic of moi dancing:
(I'm the one in the back)
Photo credit: David DeSilva

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Silent Screen

Not intentionally trying to turn this blog into a dance review place buuut I gotta tell you guys about the pieces I see!
Especially when it's by my favorite company in the world annd it was the first time I've seen them live because the company hasn't toured to the US in over 10yrs.
Who am I talking about? Nederlands Dans Theater.
Uh nederlands? Ok ok also known as Netherlands dance Theater. better now? Ok
They came to Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley which honestly I was a bit surprised. Having never seen a show at zellerbach I was skeptical, after all, it's in berkeley, not exactly a mainstream art place, and it's on a campus! But much to my surprise the theater is huge, the seating is ample and comfy (with leg room! sheesh theaters, no wonder people don't wanna go to shows, they barely have comfy leg room for people!)
While the lobby had much to be desired with being flat and sparse, it was made up for by a beautiful auditorium. I think it's a better space in the warm weather for there's more than enough room to mingle outside. Bathrooms are perfectly sized and clean and well stocked. (I have a thing about bathrooms ok? They add or subtract points to a place for me personally)
My ticket was for row ee and I only saw a row e, so I sat there, however during intermission I wandered further up and saw after row a there was a row ee. and guess what? It was a front row seat!
Now I realize I sound a biit dumb (I am blonde...) because I did click on a seat to buy it online so you'd think I would already know I had a front row seat. I didn't, ok? But after moving up to my rightful seat I sat by a delightfully sweet couple who were former dancers. She was perfectly at home in the theatre and I loved it. she was chatty without chatting my ears off, that's always nice. Meeting with new people who are kind and genuine even if it was just during intermission. They honestly made the viewing that much more pleasurable. I hate the awkward glances at the people next to you or in the row.
Anywho dancing, right?
NDT presented Whereabouts Unknown and Silent Screen.
Whereabouts Unknown is by NDT's main choreographer (til now) and former director Jiri Kylian.
Kylian is my absolute favorite choreographer ever. His clever yet almost obscenely simple use of movements can only be described as genius. Whereabouts is a piece that is influenced by our ancestors, (natives, aborigines, etc)
I'm gonna be honest here, as thrilled as I was to see the piece (especially since I had the chance to dance a piece of it many years ago through SF conservatory of dance)  I didn't "get" it.
You know what I mean? You know how you see some works of art, dance, music, photography, etc and you appreciate it's beauty but you just don't get it? It makes no connection? That's how I felt about Whereabouts. However one of my old teachers said, sometimes you don't have to get it. You can just appreciate it for the beauty that it is, like watching a sunset.
But there were some definite jaw-dropping dance sequences and I basically had a dance orgasm because the dancing was so raw and fierce and just animalistic. I just struggled because the influence (the "story) and the dance just didn't flow seamlessly. It just seemed to be a beautiful dance piece with a bit of a "native" influence to it
Silent Screen is choreographed by Paul Lightfoot and Sol León who are NDT's resident choreographers.
All I can say about this piece is HOLY CRAP!
It starts off witha couple facing a huge panoramic screen shot of the beach. You hear the waves crashing and everything. It feels like you're actually looking at people from behind at the beach.
The start dancing and it's sweet, very beach feeling dance. Then the screen transitions and so does the dance style. Everything keeps transitioning until you're in the middle of this very absurd and theatrical scence which feels a bit like insanity. Lightfoot/Leon's choreography boggles the eyes and mind for the dancers seem to do humanly impossible movements and yet here they are doing it! The words Alice in Wonderland came to mind for it's a bit like that; you're taken on a journey, you don't know why these absurd things are happening, or why more dancers came out but you know you feel alive and are experiencing every little thing. There's one pause where it was very serene, I thought if this is the end, it would be almost treason to stand up and clap for the moment called for absolute stillness and almost holiness. It went on however after than and then it almost retrcaed it's steps back and ended up back at the beach. A metaphor of a life perhaps? Only a theatrical version?
We all stood up with thundering cheers and applauses, naturally they deserved a standing ovation. It was the first show actually that I felt compelled to stand right up and clap and cheer wildly.
It was wonderful. Refreshing. Obscene, Absurd. Amazing

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A mix of everything

Since today is a lazy day (because everybody else is busy.....haha) I thought I'd update and tell you guys my thoughts on the ballet I saw last night. I saw program 3 of San Francisco Ballet which consisted of Yuri Possokhev's "Classical Symphony" Helgi Tomasson's "Nanna's Lied" and William Forsythe's "Artifact Suite"
Now I've heard of Yuri's work a bit and was kind of curious to see it since he is SFB's resident choreographer. was huge let down. It did have some very pretty moments that were unexpected in the use of certain movements but on a whole the piece felt like a newbie choreographers exploration in pushing the boundaries of classical ballet which a lot of choreographer's do however his felt like a classroom exercise (personally I've taken numerous classes like that) with movements that felt overly contrived and were in there just because they were "cool tricks" and movements that looked sloppy and rushed. It may partially have to do with the dancers not being very clear but I felt it was the choreographer's weakness that caused that to flail arms and do weird body twists that were an obvious take from swan lake just "modernized" plus the music was just there was a random backdrop, had nothing to do with the choreography.
Now Tomasson's Nanna's Lied I was very curious to see because I've heard of it so often and had never seen it.
It's a very interesting piece. Not quite what I was expecting; I was thinking it was gonna be a modern day interpretation but instead it was a bit of a period piece. It's the story of a girl named Nanna and her loss of innocence. Tomasson isn't an amazing choreographer who wows you but he is good and can evoke feelings and does the story justice by implementing the right movements to spur the right emotion. I didn't care too much for the way it started for it starts off bare and almost randomly, it just jumps into the story, I wanted more of a journey with Nanna. but my friend with me discussed it and he said, "I got it, it was a very simple beginning. It starts off with a girl a new big city who doesn't know her way around. Then some prostitutes come by and invite her to join them but she says no. then a guy comes along and takes advantage of her"
Which is the basic storyline. Sarah Van Patten is a gorgeous dancer, not the most emotional but is adept enough to where she evoked the right feelings with her movements.
There was one dance scene where it felt like an obvious "filler" because Nanna (Sarah Van Patten) dances around and for the most part it just seems like choreography with some random emotion filled movements as opposed to telling the story of her emotions. But the piece ended on a good note.
Now I was highly anticipating seeing Artifact Suite for I am a huge Forsythe fan (almost anybody who knows and appreciates ballet in today's world is a fan of his, he is today's version of Balanchine by changing the dance world and having a influence on every modern day choreographer)
The first half is a tad jarring, the dancing is actually a bit slow (Forsythe is usually frentic) and I surprisingly didn't care for it too much. Perhaps I can blame the dancers this time (wow I sound mean! haha) but the 2 main couples who danced center stage were a bit of a yawn. I could barely see half the movements due to the shadows caused by the lighting and they just seemed to be executing movements as opposed to really stretching and pushing the boundaries. I was actually more interested in the corps since they were doing interesting arm movements guided by a "drill instructor" in unison in different formations across the stage. Now the jarring thing is randomly a dark black curtain would slam down loudly in the middle of a section only to go up again revealing a new formation of the dancers. Then there was a long pause where even the house lights dimmed back on. then the second half....ahh yes! The Forsythe I knew and loved. Frentic movements that almost put you in a trance after a while (it had that effect on me! it was a glorious wonderful weird sensation where I felt the dancing would go on forever and I had no problem with that) interesting formations combined with beautifully simplistic movements that charmed you.
Elana Altman who was "drill instructor" had some moments where she dances by herself in more modern style choregraphy and I felt like she was too balletic, a typical view of a ballet dancer who tries to do "modern" dancing, it produces a strange almost awkward effect.
Nonetheless the ballet was wonderful and satisfied me at the end and had a most glorious ending that crescendoes and then releases. Wonderful
(Yuan Yuan Tan and Damian Smith in Artifact Suite) (found image on google)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hock It

(Title name is inspired by a The Blow song title)
So while I'm suffering from cabin fever (tha's the correct term for being in the house all the time and nowhere to go right??)
I though I might as well post a little postie
Surgery went well! Can't really call it surgery as they only dilated my bladder buuut the news now is is that the urologist is referring me to UCSF (since they're top of the line) so we'll see what happens there. I don't really have any news/details with that so I'll keep you posted after I know more. However I must say, despite continual frustrations with the medical community I am extremely grateful that after working through the system (or rather it working me and me patiently running it's course.....) I can be referred to UCSF with county paying (I believe...) and not have to pay. I'm so so grateful I can go through county and not have to pay a dime and do (eventually) get what I need. I do think our taxes pay for this (don't they? for county hospital? and why am I always using parentheses in my posts? apparently I really like them. hope that's ok for you!)
So what I was trying to say is I'm thankful oh so much and I will gladly pay taxes for that
In Other News:
I've been daydreaming quite a bit lately. It seems a bit more so than usual. I mean more about like what I'm gonna do to generate some sort of income. Granted I think babysitting/nannying will always be my core but I have this desire to do everything. and random different little things. Like sell my pictures. Own a dutch bakery in SF. Learn to quilt and possibly sell them. Do something with chocolate.
All these crazy odd random delightful things. I know one thing for sure, I was born to be unconventional. I don't think I'll ever really have a 9-5 job. And I like that. But if only I knew how to do the rest.
We'll see what happens.
One thing I will say I'm gonna start with selling my pictures (ok side note, I almost always end up typing me for my, I like the whole irish "me lad" way of typing but now it's just a weird habit)
So I'm venturing on this whole selling pictures that I take. I'll be trying it through etsy so I don't really know of any other venue.
I haven't really started anything yet, just looking around and looking/taking pictures. I've found a place I'm gonna try to print my pics and we'll go from there!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random wonderings

I just felt the need to write a post even though I have no specific topic in mind. Hope you don't mind! I've been pondering what on earth I'm gonna do as a career! I mean I had always planned on choreography/dancing and since the bladder issues that went down the toilet. I mean there is still a very slight possibility but I just put that idea away, didn't wanna waste time hoping and wishing for something that just most likely won't happen. I'm content to just be a housewife buuut I need a husband for that and I don't even have a boyfriend yet. Now that could just all change within a year but you know, who knows?? I love the whole etsy idea, it seems a bit more me, more independent and creative but the problem is I don't have anything marketable. I like photography but don't know too much, though that's just an excuse honestly. I'd love to sell quilts and blankets but don't how to yet. I haven't found any learning sources. I did have a vague idea of taking bible verses and writing them up to be pretty word art basically and maybe even framing it. I do always have the old standby of babysitting/nannying so that's nice. I'm just curious to see where this road of life is gonna take me. It's thrown some loops that's for sure. I honestly do not wanna go to college. I have no real reason to, and for some reason I feel I'm to "make it" in the world in an unusual way, by unconventional dare I say uneducated way. Nothing against education, it propels people forward. I just don't feel like it's for me.
So some updates on me; I have a bladder surgery coming up next week. Relieved, nervous, and oddly excited haha. We'll see what happens this time around.....

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Places I've been recently

Thought I'd share on my blog here some fun stuff I've seen this week.
First up is women on the way festival show I went to.
website here:
I saw Alyce Finwall Dance Theater (
and Project Thrust. (
These 2 are some of my fav local dance companies and good friends of mine
Alyce Finwall I actually danced with for a short season before my health issues popped up and she is an amazing choreographer. Her pieces are raw, real, touching, emotional and physical. She's also the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She presented Evenfall at this festival and it was intriguing. The way it resonated with me was it felt like it was piece about women and how they relate to others. A lot of times it seems women are close friends and they try to be vulnerable with each other but then they get knocked down by the other. It felt like there was this almost fluidity and constant pressure. Women seem to be be anatgonaizers to other women. It's actually sort of a complex piece! but very beautiful
Project Thrust I reviewed on this blog a few posts back (the melons jugs post) and they're still a delight. They both are an absolute MUST SEE. Well worth your time and money (only 20 bucks!)
Then I saw my friend's band Super Adventure Club at Cafe Du Nord. If you know me at all you know what an absolute fan of them I am! (you're probably saying to yourself, well you can't be too much of a fan if you're just NOW mentioning them on the blog!) but rest assured I am a huge fan and probably one of their most loyal. Even the guys in the band will tell you that haha
Super Adventure Club truly lives up to its name. You never know what's gonna happen when they play! It's a band you can't describe, you just must experience! (website here:
If you like dancing, catchy good music, and hilarious ridiculous lyrics this band is for you. Look them up on youtube too (superadventureclubsf)
Cafe Du Nord in San Francisco is a wonderful club. Now you might be thinking, dude it's a club, what's so great about it?
Au contraire, this club defies other club experiences and it worth the extra cover pay (
Despite being rather close to the heart of the castro district it is not a gay club. It's a fantastic clean well run mixed club. Great stage, plenty of dancing room, great bar, free water, clean bathrooms with more than one stall, this club truly has it all.
Now you may be saying but wait, aren't you a christian girl? Are you even allowed to go to a club/bar? Aren't you just being a hypocrite?
Now I'm gonna share my persona conviction with you, however this is my own personal thing. If you feel that being a christian that you shouldn't go to a bar/club, then don't! That's your own personal conviction. (this is a bigger subject than can be truly discussed here but the book of Romans in the bible has a great chapter about personal convictions)
My thing is, I'm ok with going to a bar/club. I believe since my intentions are right, which is just to go out with friends, have a good time, maybe dance (but not like a hoochie) and listen to music that it's not an issue. I don't go to sketchy bars, I'm not going to strip clubs, I'm not dancing up on every guy in there, I'm not drinking or fighting. I always try to go with a friend, especially if it's a place I've never been too. To see if a bar/club is appropriate I suggest googling it or yelping it to get a feel on what the place is like. I've only ever seen one fight happen and it was taken care of in 5mins flat. Sure there's been some creepy guys trying to hit on me but they were truly harmless and I knew I was safe if something should happen because the place was respectable. And dancing, why not dance? Dance is a celebration of life! I'm not dancing to get everybody's attention, I'm dancing because I'm having a good time.
So those are my personal convictions about going to a club. Now some people do have issues with bars/clubs and they shouldn't be in that environment so don't bring them with you! and don't flaunt it to them that you're going.
So I highly recommend cafe du nord if you're interested in going out for a good clean fun time. No creeps, great people, nice clean place and plenty of room to dance (unless the place is packed)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mean Green Clean

Ok so I got that thrifty book (I seem to always mess up spelling thrifty even though I do know how it's spelled....) and it gave me some tips on green (and cheap) cleaning materials. So I gave it a whirl!
The book praised the work of baking soda, white vinegar, and the microfiber mop.
So I went to my local target and stocked up!
I'll start with the microfiber mop since this is something you're probably going huh??
according to the book the microfiber mop is basically revolutionary haha. It's more enviromentally friendly and actually easier, only needing water and then when you're done you wash it! and it's good for like at least 100 washes.
So I found a cheap and simple one for $10 (That was fun, dragging around a mop at target while looking at other stuff, people generally stayed out of my way haha)
Most others came with some weird attachment (apparently americans love attachments and doodads. I'm american but I don't!) that like squirts cleaner into the mop area. The one I got is just simple.
So I put water on it and mopped away! Quite amazing actually; it picked up all those little dirt thingies that never make it on the dustpan, and it rubbed out spots in seconds. My only complaint is with the wet mop head it created some friction that made it hard to rub over the floor but it did do it and it did clean. I would recommend putting a little soap or something with the water so the floor is cleaner but water does work.
Now onto my bathroom cleaning session. Oy Vey!
Apparently (which they fail to tell you) baking soda is a good cleaner but noooot a disinfectant. So I had too much baking soda since I haven't converted it to laundry use or anything. And whoever said making baking soda and liquid (be it water or whatever) and putting it in a spray bottle is stupid! It clogged up my spray bottle! so despite what google says, they're wrong!
Moving on
So I google what's a good natural disinfectant. Apparently the general answer was borax. So off to the store I go for borax (which is a good laundry detergent too, it's actually used more for laundry purposes)
So I cleaned my floors with white vinegar and water (white vinegar is the MASTER cleaner, it cuts through weird grease that not even other chemicals can) and the smell does go away as soon as it dries so don't worry about smelling like vinegar. Then I sprinkled some borax onto a dap sponge and wiped stuff down then rinsed it off and wiped away the borax for a nice clean. It was off honestly cleaning this way because I'm used to usuing clorox wipes so I see and smell the cleaning and this time with the borax it wasn't as obviously evident. But it does work! The counter and sink was clean smooth and sparkling. And the toilet was nice and clean (and white!)
So summary (I know it's been kind of a long post with tons of parentheses) baking soda is a good general cleaner (I think for more kitchen stuff, I haven't really used it yet)
White vinegar is the master cleaner and cuts through grease and grime and it's easier because you can use it in a spray bottle.
Borax is a disinfectant cleaner that works great and has no smell.
Microfiber mop really works.
And don't put grainy stuff in spray bottles (baking soda, borax, etc)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just sit down!

Ok ok, I knew I had a topic I wanted to talk about and it escaped me til etiquette!
Now granted I know that that many people aren't really gonna read this so it's really a subtle "rant" on how people annoy me in the theater.
Movie theaters....I don't give a crap. even I have no manners there (ok well I do...but I don't care if I do or not)
Hypocritical? Possibly. But that would involve a discussion on my thoughts of movies.
I mean a proper theatre, one that I feel should be spelled re not er.
I went to an annual performance of the San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker and about 2 minutes into the show, people dancing on stage and everything, comes a family, with noo idea where they're sitting! Ok I get that finding a seat in the dark is disorienting, I understand things happen and you're late to a show. but pleeeeeease don't stand there discussing where to sit. find an empty seat right away, regardless if they're together or not. THENN comes another lady even later who comes to a full row, demands that they're sitting in her row and they get up and move to another empty row. Then the lady says to the remaining people that they're in her seat! LADY JUST SIT DOWN! which I actually managed to say in a firm but polite voice. which she did after me repeating that firmly 3 times, especially since she's blantantly obstructing my friend and mine view. and PLEASE turn off your phone! I know you wanna know what time it is and when it's gonna end but please dont take out your phone which is gonna shine like lightning in a darkened theater to see the time. Now I get distracted and pissed. And whatever you do, DON'T take a flash picture. Sure I'm all for taking pictures (though majority of professional theatres object it and may confiscate your camera) but you are not only blinding and distracting me, you are seriously blinding and distracting the dancers.
So, summary;
Leave early to be at the show early, even if that means leaving 30mins earlier, DO IT! I mean in regards more to a high show, like San Francisco Ballet, or something. I paid good money to be there, I know you did too, let's be gentle and respectful and make this enjoyable for everybody.
Dress appropriately. No you don't hafta dress like you're at the oscars, just look nice! Please no ugg boots!
Go to the bathroom before the show! and give yourself 5mins to find your seat and chat and look around the theatre.
please don't bring kids to a 2hr show. That's just mean. I know you're delusional. Only bring a kid above the age of 8 at the absolute lowest minimum, we all know 3yr olds can't even focus on a half hour tv show, why should they focus on a ballet? I know you wanna enrich your kid or provide memories, they won't be enriched or have memories before the age of 8 of the ballet. plus it'll be easier on you, trust me.
Keep your cell phone in your pocket/purse and wait til intermission to look at it.
Thank you and enjoy the show

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thrifty and thriving!

Ok I admit maybe the title isn't that great but it's what popped in my mind and I like to be spur of the moment in writing usually.
As if nobody's talking about that nowadays.
I picked up a pretty nifty book called Be Thrifty. Pretty amazing book actually and I haven't even finished the first chapter!
We all wanna use less and be more resourceful and green for cheaper. This book doesn't just tell you how to do that. It's taking a look back in time at how people in the olden days (who really should be our heroes) did it and how to bring that thriving thriftiness into today's world. It even tells you how to haggle! I was delighted to read that because I've gone to some fairs and the like where I saw cool stuff but uh I ain't paying that price just cuz you handmade it. Now I got tips to haggle without going out of my comfort zone. It tells you of unknown millionaires because they were resourceful and saved up money they ended up be able to donate millions! and they weren't these fancy computer workers! they just used their brains and talents and friendliness to get what they needed/wanted.
The biggest thing about this book is that it's tangible. It's possible to live and be comfortable in today's society while being thrifty. Use resources! Find out what bazillion things white vinegar and baking soda can do. Do use bartering services; where if you've got a friend who can fix your pipes and you can paint then exchange your services! You paint his house and he fixes your pipes! It is ok and even acceptable to ask about prices, it's so true, you never know until you ask. Now you gotta be careful, you don't demand or deserve ANYTHING, which unfortunately most people think they do. You just simply ask. Be willing to accept the answer no. But the great thing about that is if you were friendly, you may have made a friend in that field! Ooooo that's known as networking which we all know is the 2nd biggest thing to move us forward in life
I wish I could tell you everything in this book but I can't, plus I haven't even finished it haha. So I HIGHLY recommend picking it up, it is only $15. Also use your brain! Don't buy cheap. Don't buy chemicals. When you can, make it yourself! Learn simple skills to save money (and make you smarter and feel better about yourself which we all love feeling)
Next to the Bible, this book has majorly changed my life ;) (Remember, the bible is more important though!)